aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Monday, November 15, 2004


did you ever just have one of those weeks...?

well, here i am. procrastinating. i could be working on all of the shit that i need to get done. but, no. i want to take a moment and just talk to the screen. it relaxes me. i love posting on this site, it's good. i've been told that certain persons never know what's really going on in my life, they have to find out by looking at my web journal (that's right, web journal. i CAN'T STAND "BLOG", it's a lame buzzword that will only get over-used and soon be on one of those lists of words that fashion people never want to hear "CYBER" ,or "EXTREME", or "E-[place word here]") i don't quite know the reason that i put a lot of my life out there for everyone to read. even more, i don't quite know why i have a hard time conveying my life orally. i think it's because more and more i tend to live inside my head. i seem to talk less and less. the only times that i want to really do a lot of talking are when i'm with good people in a fun environment. give me a little beer, and i'll talk your ear off. i think i'm letting my emotions do a lot of the talking for me anymore and i think that i realize that and that i tend to be quiet when my mood isn't all that great. rather than talk it out, i just think long and hard about it and eventually let it go. ok. i'm done, no more "what's going on in weatherboys' head". sorry about that.

so, i'm going nuts down here in oly. i need to get away. i'm due for a trip north. i know i said that i might be down here for the entire month, but i think i'd lose my mind if that was what ended up happening. so, i think that i'll be in the area sometime friday after my class is out.

sorry about the last few posts being so dreary. i know that i attempt to be happy in most of my posts, but it takes a lot of energy anymore. i'm in a fog at the moment, but with the weekend's approach comes the eventual lifting of some of the fog and eventually i'll be in higher spirits. needless to say, i miss all of you and i hope that we can all get together soon. baby, i miss you.

till next time everyone...

write happy posts in my stead...



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