aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Monday, October 25, 2004

there just aren't enough tassels in the world...

one of my best weekends ever...

so much happened this weekend, but it was all not too big of a deal. friday rolled around and i had a seminar to go to in the morning...very boring. afterwards a BUNCH of people from my program all went to this restaurant called "katie downs" in tacoma, on the waterfront. it was great to hang out and talk with these people, they are all so much fun to be around it was great. eventually we all had a shot together and then headed out on our various ways. i had a nice long car ride ahead of me.

from tacoma i headed north. on to woodenville and the redhook brewery. i met up with HEW and our roomie from college there. we talked and they drank for a while (i was kinda done for the night...kinda-i just knew i'd be doing a lot of driving over the next 24 hours) anyways, eventually we all left and got KT and we all met up with bobanna and schwee at the Gender Explosion on capitol hill.

the explosion was great! it was so funny and cool and kinda hot. schwee mentioned the 1940's type burlesque dancer woman, who was awesome and she did the tassel twirling, that was just plain cool. i was kind of surprised that she didn't get a bigger ovation considering the audience.

after the show no one was ready to end the fact we all wanted to do some dancing. so, what was a good dance place that wouldn't be too expensive and wasn't too far away? neighbors. and, after a quick stop where we ate some food at do'MINo's (ya' know that family place?) we met up with bobanna's man and headed on over. it was great. the people were cool, not like the assholes and creepy people that you might run into in the clubs downtown. upon walking in the door one of the doormen rubbed my head and said "awe, aren't you cute!" i got my compliment and was ready to take the floor. the music was crazy and fun and we danced forever, and only paid $5 for cover (downtown is looking worse and worse). sometime around 2:30 or so members of the group started mysteriously disappearing, so the last few of us, schwee, HEW and i all decided to call it a night. we went out in search of food and our travels took us to the hop in the u-distict. i'd only been there once before with jen. this time was interesting cause it took us FOREVER to get some food and i was being a real bitch about it. i was ready to take off and head over to the ave and hit the burger hut, but eventually we sat down and got our order out. the food eventually came and i enjoyed my VERY undercooked fries and had great conversation with great people!!

After that we parted ways again and HEW and i went back to his house where i promtly got about 2 hours of sleep and woke up again. cause i had 3 football games to ref down in olympia saturday was great. i was SO tired and it was SO cold. PLUS, for some reason, the coaches were particularly bitchy too! i thought for a while that maybe i was just tired and they were really being fine...but NO! a lot of the coaches were being assholes that morning and i almost had to eject one of them! fuckin' people, sometimes...

after the games i went home and took a shower and grabbed some more clothes and talked to jen. then i turned my ass around and drove back on up to seattle for the Bill Mahr show, which was fucking awesome!!!! he was so funny! his show consisted of a lot of bush bashing and a lot of common sense stuff, but it was SO funny. needless to say the people in the audience came out of it feeling good, a lot of laughing and a new national

After that (yes this is the weekend that never ends) HEW and i headed on over to Brandy's (a friend of black mamba's that i met when i was still in western) house to have a welcome home party for black mamba who is now back in washington for good, her hubby is still of fighting the wrong war at the wrong time, no actually he's in Asscrackastan. so we met up with her and a bunch of her friends, most of whom i just don't know...but we did meet a nice guy named Phak, that was cool. there was a lot of drinking and taking care of kids who went a little crazy, but all in all the night was really good, just meeting new people and talking with them. brandy is a really cool person and she's married to this really nice girl named terese(i think) there were a lot of lesbians at this party. this weekend really had a Gender Explosional underlying theme!

The next morning HEW and i went to our usual morning food place, Elmers. We tried to get ahold of K.T. and have her have "breakfast" (at 12:30pm or so) with us, but no answer. As we were leaving K.T. called and we all ended up watching the Seahawks LOSE AGAIN at HEW's house. K.T. told us about her adventures in europe over the summer. it was cool seeing pictures and hearing about her work and stuff. THEN the three of us headed on out to Stewart Andersons and got some more food... it was just like old times up at western...almost too much so... K.T. proved to HEW and i again that she does need a butt gasket!!

now, it's monday and here i am left with the memories of a great weekend. the whole weeked wasn't perfect, some strange things happened, but overall i can't complain. it was another of the weekends where i can take a whole bunch of memories and lock them away to remember a great time in my life. i think once upon i time i used to pine away for the past, but i do believe that i've grown up a little bit and this weekend was one of those times where i lived with a love for the moment. i think i need to keep doing that more. it makes life so much more fun and exciting. i can still be nostalgic, but i need to make sure that i'm there in the moment when it happens...what am i talking about? ...i don't know.

i had a great weekend. thanks to all who were involved with it. hopefully it can be repeated several more times throughout the year.

i don't know what else to say...there's not a whole lot to look in to, it was a good weekend.

i'll talk to you all later...

"and there was much rejoicing..."




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