aimless meanderings of a simple mind

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Location: olympia, washington, United States

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

football, football, football...

and maybe a little bit of halloween...

i love october. the leaves are changing. there's a different smell in the air. it makes me think of many things, football, halloween, and jen, for obvious reasons...:) after a weekend of being really sick and kind of in a daze, i finally emerged from it yesterday and had a pretty good day. i went to class and that was all well and good. but, i also went to see "friday night lights". oh my god, it was SO GOOD. there are only a few movies were it's okay for guys to cry, movies where the hero dog dies, and i would have to say this movie. i saw a bunch of older age and older...sitting there wiping their eyes at the end, just like me. i won't say much else about it. i think it really hits the guys who played football in high school pretty hard, or anyone who was caught up in their high school's football program in any way. take my word for it though, it was good.

SPEAKING of football...
the seahawks did something that i only wished for for a brief moment. they got jerry rice. i was sitting in my room sometime around 3:00am this morning (i just couldn't sleep, good mood coming off of a good day and a good movie just kept me awake) and i just happened to switch to sportscenter and they mentioned that jerry rice had been traded...well i decided to sit through ALL of the BORING-ASS baseball commentary and finally they announced that Jerry Rice was being traded to Seattle! i was so happy i was yelling and clapping, i was so excited. i think that jerry rice is exactly what the hawks need. someone they can rely on for a few seasons more while he teaches our young receivers how to be REAL receivers. i can't wait to see jerry in a game up here, it'll be great! as soon as i heard that he was looking for a trade, i knew that this would be the best place for him to come and finish out his record-breaking career.

On to halloween. OR, all hallows eve, for you who might be afraid of the pagan ties to this VERY HARMLESS holiday. i honestly thought that christians stopped having a hard time with this holiday when it was called all hallows eve. the night we remember those who have passed before us. but, no, thanks to bobanna i've found that the "devils' holiday" idea still isn't gone. so sad. as most historians, or people who just love the holiday, know, halloween gets its origins from the old celtic festival called Samhain. it was the "new years eve" if you will, of the celtic year. it marked the end of the sunny days and the time of harvest. it was when the death process in nature began for them. IT'S HARMLESS. i also must take this time and remind ALL christians that a whole TON of our "sacred religious holiday practices" are STOLEN from pagen traditions. it was all a part of rome making it easier for people to give up paganism. there's more to it all, but just relax and enjoy the candy and the kids and the scary movies and's fun! this is my favorite time of year!
(oh, there's this new scary move coming out, it's called..."white noise", it's with Michael Keaton. it looks SO FUCKING SCARY!)

So, there's a little update for ya. i even included a little lesson on halloween, isn't that special? i don't have class today, so i will take this time to relax, cause i don't think i did enough of that this weekend..., and i'll get a paper done. other than that, i want to do some reading and maybe have a few beers as it's been a long time since i've had some fish tale...

take is easy everyone, don't let the man get you down...

current music:mixed cd by jen...currently-The Postal Service



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