aimless meanderings of a simple mind

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Location: olympia, washington, United States

Sunday, November 02, 2008


...and eight.

how much more can i take? the huskies have not won a game ALL year and some people think they very well might not get a win ALL SEASON. i think they'll probably pull a win off during the apple cup this year, but that's gonna be basically a battle for the bottom. it's just sad.

that said, i'm looking forward to positive week. last week was SUPER stressful at school. we had No Child Left Behind advisers come to our school to review us and give us help. (for the record, our school's test scores have gone up EVERY YEAR i've been there; it's just a formality that NLCB flagged school have to go through) that was totally nerve wrecking! in the end though, they only came into my classroom for like two minutes and that was it. a lot of buildup for not a lot of action. but, i'm totally okay with that. grades are due this week, but that's not too big of a deal.

i'm most excited for tuesday! i'm gonna be on a field trip with my kids to UCLA for a musical thing. it'll be cool getting the kids out and into the collegiate world. but, we'll be back before the end of the day so i can get to the polls and get my vote in before i head home and spend the majority of the afternoon and all evening watching CNN to see when our new president is chosen. i'm just praying that the current polls are right and hold firm!

PLEASE...don't screw this up America!


Blogger The Maltby 6 said...

Hooray!!! My BSU Cards are 8-0!!!

On another note, Bobby Knight said it best on College game day, "The PAC-10 and Big 12 cannot compete with the SEC!!" Therefore it must be true. He is afterall, the general!


November 3, 2008 at 11:32 AM  

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