aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Friday, November 26, 2004

grateful for...all the usual stuff..., friends, people who i love and care for.

yeah. i'm grateful for you all. i'm grateful that i've made it this far, and that i might still have a ways to go. i'm grateful for the place i live, the people i associate with (no matter any of their faults! cause i've got more than my fair share). i'm grateful that i'm here, now, living the life that i am, going to school when not many people can. i'm grateful that the people that i love are all safe and doing alright (as far as i know). i'm grateful that somebody cares. i'm grateful that i have love to give, and i do give all of my friends and loved ones, even if it's hard to tell, it's there...i promise. i'm grateful that the nascar track that was coming to washington has been rejected. i'm grateful for so many things that this list can go on and on...i'm grateful for you all and i hope that you all had a truly happy thanksgiving, i hope you were with people who matter to you. i was missing someone during my thanksgiving...i'm still missing her... i'm grateful for her...

anyways, i don't know how to really end this...i've made a list similar to this before and it was probably better as it was not sparked by anything more than emotion, but emotion had a large part of this too.

I'm kind of sleeping my days away, i don't know why but i've been sleeping more than ever. it's weird. i spent thanksgiving with my family at my grandparents house. it was good, i saw a bunch of my extended family. but, i came home and pretty much slept until this morning. crazy. where is my mind...i just don't know anymore...

well, there you go. there's my thanksgiving post. it's kinda mellow i guess. then again, that's kind of the feeling right now...

who sucked out the feelin'?

damn you seasonal affective disorder...

always yours,



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