aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

like drawing blood...

finally, people are writing about their lives again...

it's good to hear from you guys and have it be about what is actually happening in your lives at the moment. i love making random posts, but i usually give a rundown on how things are going!

SO. not much to report today. a houseparty sounds okay i guess, my idea is to rent out the tumwater community center and have some bands come in and rock the place to the ground. now THAT sounds like fun! no alcohol allowed, but i think we're grown up enough that we can live without least until after the show. who knows though.

on the literary scene though i've actually got my head into three different books at the moment. I'm still trudging though the indie music one that i've mentioned before and i'm also working on a book on starting a band and i'm also reading kurt cobains' 'journals'. i told myself that i would never read kurts' private journals, but jen put it well when she said, "look, i don't know how i feel about reading his personal thoughts, but i hate the idea that courtney love is making a buck off of his private journals. if someone bought them FOR me, then i wouldn't be giving courtney a dime so why shouldn't i read them?" of course, i paraphase, but it was more or less something like that. now, i'm not reading any "classics" by many peoples' standards, but this stuff is interesting to me. i'm also starting to gear up to read "the history of 'HIP'". a book on...well...'Hip' the term and what it is/means/how it came to be/and the different aspects of it. it's actually a very interesting topic.

so yeah. there you go. there's another post for you all to read and take up a few minutes of your workday...

hope it finds you all in good spirits!

great to hear from austin tonight! i miss you guys!!!

gotta run...Scrubs is on!



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