aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Sunday, August 29, 2004

the biggest offender of them all...

it's been so long since i've posted. i've been really bad about it. i've seen or talked to just about everyone who would ever read this though, so you all know i'm ok and there's no problems other than just finding the time to write. it's not that i've been SUPER busy, i've just always got something else that needs to get done and i forget to post. oh, well let's move on from here.

so, i have a lot of things to talk about i suppose. i went to a wedding, reunited with people that i had almost totally written off, but somehow can't decide how i feel about this individual now. who knows, at this point i'm just in a "moving on" state of mind, so lets...

uh, well one thing that kind of weirds me out is that today is sunday and instead of staying up super late on saturday night...i went to sleep around 10:30 or so. then i woke up around 2:30 or so, called jen to let her know that i fell asleep and that's why didn't call her back (i'm sure she figured that out) then i thought i'd fall right back asleep. nope. it's now around 9:3o, i'm fixin' to head off to church in a minute and i've been up since 2:30am. i'm doing things backwards and who knows what kind of night i'm going to have tonight since i'll most likely crash this afternoon.

well, shit. maybe i'll give everyone a call tonight. that'd be good, a quick hello to see how everyone is doing...

well, off to St. John's episcopal church...goodtimes...

i'll write more...eventually...



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