aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Sunday, June 27, 2004

scratch that...

holy shit. i just found out that one of the most influential people of my high school career died last week. none of you guys knew him, but he was one of the finest human beings i've ever known. a good friend, amazing athlete, and wonderful person. he was one of the "cool" seniors, he never looked down on anybody, he overcame adversity and did some amazing things despite all of his trials. my heart is really heavy right now. he was only 27 years old. this guy was a role model to me in several respects. his kind nature, impeccable work ethic and overall good nature made him by far one of the best people that ever came out of that shithole town.

My heart goes out to Lukas Spruills' family, they were all good people and friends of mine. Luke will be missed so much that it is breaking my heart to write this right now...

I can't believe this happened.

Lukas Spruill:
-two time state state wrestling champion, involved in one of the greatest comebacks of all time, in my opinion.
-wrestled for the Iowa hawkish under the greatest wrestling coach who ever lived...he followed his dreams...

R.I.P. Luke, I'll never forget you...


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