aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Talk radio...

it's a wonderful thing...hell i've wanted to be in talk radio for some time. I liked the idea so much that i worked at two different college radio stations, just so i could work on an act. I was getting good by the end too. I think my problem is that i don't get all that pissed off when i'm on the air. HEW can stand by me when i say that i do rant. Usually i only do that when very few people can hear me. HEW now has the market cornered. If you have hatred in you heart let it out...

i've had a very in-between day. Unfortunately i think i made shwee start to feel my depression, sorry shwee you should never have to be sad. somehow i've wandered into a blue funk that i can't shake. yeah, missing jen doesn't help that much, bug leaving doesn't help that much, my family planning the father's day celebration THIS sunday doesn't help that much as i'd like to be there for bobanna on her grad celebration day. i'm just not in the best of moods. the kids at school were great today, they are consistently the highpoint of my days. so, that's good, at least i'm happy witht he career i'm going into. i'm not altogether loving my actual classes though, school is hard. i've been writing lesson plans all night, but i'm done now and wonderful sleep awaits.

lets see, no words of wisdom, no humorous thoughts, no random rants to go off on, i'm just sitting here in this shitty funk...nothing to say or impart. i hope you all had a great day, a day that makes you feel good about being alive. those days are awesome and we all need to have them more often, and we need to recognize them when they arrive. what the fuck am i talking about? i don't even know anymore...i'm lame, sorry.

well enough trying to milk something good out of this post. i'm off. take care everyone, sleep tight...




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