aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Sunday, June 13, 2004

from one weird weekend to another...

At least i got some studying done today. I went out with my cohortians again on friday. This time it was just greener and her husband. We all talked for a long time and i found out that i don't think i like Olympia as much as i thought. People here are dicks kinda. They take the music scene here WAY too personally. There are bands that you just can't talk about in certain places, cause people in the bars know the members of the bands. i didn't know oly was that much of a popular random band hang out town, but it is. greener herself personally knows the girls of sleater-kinney, but wouldn't talk about them at the bars. evidently people get really uptight if you say anything negative about bands they are associated with, even though i was NOT going to say anything bad about my girls from sleater-kinney. evidently, HEW, we were right about the short-haired ugly one, she's a bitch. Janet and Corin are cool i guess, corin used to be cooler from what greener said. greener was in one of their videos off the album 'the hot rock'. I don't know that whole night made me think that i'm kinda done with my adoration of indie music. who the fuck do these assholes think they are? It seems to me that they treat their fans like shit, unless they approve of how their fans are when they see them. These "indie" musicians should kiss the asses of the people who listen to their music, cause no matter how much ANY musician says that they play only for themselves and to get a message across...they STILL LOVE THE FACT THAT PEOPLE WORSHIP AND LOVE THEM. I'm not a lover or a woshiper. I'm done, yeah i think i'm really done. If i hear music and i like it, i'll like it and give two shits whether or not they're cool or if they're indie or whatever...cause fuck 'em. It's about the music, sure, but it's also about the fans. i'm not happy with Olympia right now. that was my friday night...i haven't given up on the city of just needs a kick in it's "i'm cool cause i'm indie" ass.

Oh yeah, evidently Portland is the cool city now. the "good bands" all moved down there from oly and the nightlife is supposed to be better there and stuff. I spent my ENTIRE adolescence loving seattle. Watching it become this musical beacon that the world looked to in the 90's. Now people are telling me that PORTLAND is the new musical landmark of the pac-nw? I can't handle that. I will NEVER give up on seattle. so that was another thing that bugged me about this weekend. people are so quick to look to the "new and better" but then they don't realize that the grass really doesn't grow any greener on the 'other side'. I don't know. I'm a little irritated.

So, my car is dead again. It's in the shop, again. I want to fucking kill my car. Bobanna, that's the reason that i didn't hustle my ass up to seattle today to come to your party. THAT, AND i didn't really get invited to it anyways. Shwee told me about it and sent me a website where info was posted, i didn't go though, i was writing a paper at the time. That's yet another reason that i didn't go today. I went to a study session for the two tests that i have this week. I also have a major paper due, this week will suck my ass.

At any rate, congratulations Bobanna! It's a MAJOR deal to graduate from college, people told me that, but I only know now how much that's really true. I hope everything works out well with your new place, and that you never lose touch with any of us! You know us, we're the type of people who will always be there for you, i'm talking of course about all your friends who read this post. You can count on us for all the little things in life that matter most. And all the big things too, don't forget us for those! Anyways, I hope you had a great graduation and a great party and that you have a great time now that you're out of school!

So, that's leads me to today, like i said i did a study session and now i'm home. Today has been pretty mellow. It's been a mellow weekend and that's good. I wish i could have come up to the emerald city, but i think i needed to stay here for at least one weekend.

Oh, speaking of weekends off. The 30th is my LAST DAY OF CLASS! Then i have school off unitl the 7th of july or something!! My parents are talking about leaving town again this 4th of july weekend, SO...I'm thinking of throwing a MAJOR throw-down here, unless someone has better plans. I have a lot of room and big backyard with an outdoor stereo system and a hd tv with satellite cable. SO, come chill here or let me know what's going on up there that's so much better. OH, and we live near an indian reservation, so we buy the BIG fireworks from the stands they put up.

Well, all of us have been bad about writing on our posts, so i won't get too pissy. BUT, bobanna and Shwee are the biggest slackers of all. Bobanna might be in the process of moving, so i guess i understand, and Shwee has to go downstairs to use the computers down there so i understand that that sucks, but damn. The 8th was the last day for posts from either of you! Let's pick it up!

I might have to go on strike until i hear from all the rest of you!

anyways, take care all...

Me love you long time...



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