creeping ever closer...
yep, 29 in less than 24.
i'm getting old. i started this "blog" (god, i still HATE that word) back in, what...? 2005? and i'm still posting on it, however erratically.
what's my current status, you might ask? well. it's 8:32 on a Saturday. why am i up so early? well, my dogs MUST be let out at around 6:30-7 EACH DAY. they sit at the sliding glass door in the bedroom and bat at it until ONE of the humans in the room wakes up and lets them out. WHO is the only human in that room that will wake up? ME. it's okay though, i'm a morning person. that's why i'm already: logged into to facebook, gmail, my google reader (and i've already read EVERYTHING that's been blogged about that i'm following), and i've already been commenting on "the stranger's" "line out" blog. yep, i get a lot done in the mornings.
today many of my friends and family and i are going out to celebrate my birthday by going to the Los Angeles Craft Beer Festival. i don't know what to expect, but i'm dubious as my beer adolescence was spent in the great Pacific Northwest, the place where good beer lives, and i haven't seen ANY california beer stand up to even the middle of the pack in the Pacific Northwest. i'll go with an open mind though, i'm sure i'll find some good stuff there.
i got a surfboard from my beautiful wife for my birthday! i'm totally stoked for it too! it's a softboard, but i'm still a learner, so a softboard makes sense. PLUS, it'll be a nice board for people who come to visit us to use so THEY can learn to surf too! i even got a wetsuit and a rash guard, so i'm all set for this summer's surfing season! i kinda wanted to go to the beach this morning to try everything out, but decided against it...i'm still a little sleepy, and i've got a big day ahead!
i'm finally coming to the end of another crazy year of teaching. during this year, i managed to get LAID OFF (thank you VERY much LAUSD and California Legislature for not passing a budget for MONTHS after it was due!), get that layoff rescinded, and STILL not be quite sure what's going to happen to me as far as where i'll be teaching next year! i do know that i WILL still be teaching in LA...just not 100% sure where yet. i'm pretty sure that i'll be back at my regular school, but you never know what's going to happen! boo.
well, other than that. i don't have a ton to report. i'm still the same old weatherboy...i'm just a few years older. i still love beer, singing, playing guitar, teaching and various kinds of death sports.
anyways, hope everyone who reads this is doing well! i'll be back in Washington again at the end of my school year!
so, keep your eyes peeled, and calendars open! a night on the town is a MUST when i get up there!
take care, and RockSteady.