aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Monday, March 14, 2005

from the golden state to the rainbow state...

yeah, choke on it hawaii...

finally, a piece of good news from CA. crazy that it came from fox news. not sure how reliable that is, but it sounds good and i hope that it is upheld on appeal. if this works out then all we need to do is get rid of oregon, those narrow-minded bastards, and the west coast really will be the best coast. how could the vote like they did? HONESTLY? people suck sometimes...


not much else to post, but i can't leave messages on a certain persons' web journal, so i had to leave it here...



Sunday, March 13, 2005

for lack of something better to write...

another bobanna survey...

* WoULd YoU rAthEr *

(Note: None of that neither/both crap! Make a decision!)
1. Live on a houseboat or in a treehouse? Houseboat (sleepless in seattle..)
2. Play a mean accordion or a ukulele? something very soothing about a ukulele, but i would say accordion just because it takes more skill.
3. Have 1 wish granted today or 3 wishes granted in 10 years from now? I assume we can't wish for more wishes, i'll say three in ten years, ten years is a good, long time to decide what to wish for. that way you can make the wishes fail-safe, making sure none blow up in your face. (be careful what you wish for, right?)
4. Stop time or stop worrying? Worrying!-I worry WAY too much!
5. Be a private detective or a professional wrestler? Definitely the detective, although being an icon to the idiot masses does sound great...
6. Win $1,000,000 for charity or $5,000 for yourself? who couldn't use $5,000? Let's be honest, we'd all like to have an extra five grand lying around, but it is far greater to give than recieve so i'd go with the million for charity.
7. Know it all or have it all? if you know it all, you can always get what you need.
8. Sneeze every 30 seconds or have to repeat everything everyone says? repeat, jen hates sneezing. plus, i could probably work it to the point where i only have to THINK back what other people say. UNLESS, this is like the greek myth of echo, where she loses her voice and can ONLY repeat the words spoken by others. however, since that was not specified, i'll just assume i can work around it.
9. Find an envelope marked "Top Secret" or a $20 bill? i would base my decision on the shape of the envelope, the weight of it, and where i found it. people get mail from publishers' clearing house that says "top secret", let's be sensible here.
10. Be a boy or a girl? boy
11. Meet your favorite movie star for 5 minutes or get no homework for a year? Well if i didn't have to GRADE any homework for a year i'd bite, but i think i'll go with the movie star.
12. Live on the bottom of the ocean or on another planet? well, i have always wondered what it would be like to probe...neptune...
13. Have 7 older brothers or 7 older sisters? I'd hate to be the youngest boy in a family of girls, i've seen how that can work out. i'd rather have a bunch of older brothers.
14. Get a bad haircut or the flu? haircuts can always be altered.
15. Eat the same thing every day or lose your sense of smell? I would never want to lose ANY of my senses. I'd eat the same thing every day, but i'd spice it differently and i would still enjoy my food AND be able to smell and taste it. if you lose some of your sense of smell your sense of taste gets messed up too doesn't it?
16. Have every CD you want or see all the movies for free? every CD
17. Have freedom or happiness? as long as i'm happy with my life...
18. Always lose or never play? always lose. it shows character to get up and keep trying...
19. Always eat with your hands or have to put hot sauce on everything? i don't mind hot sauce, but i'd eat with my hands cause hot sauce doesn't belong on everything
20. Have a vocabulary of 10 words or speak a language none of your friends understand? i'm with bobanna, your friends would learn...i'd hate to only have a ten word vocabulary.
21. Be forced to lie to your best friend or tell the truth to your parents? truth to parents, that isn't hard at all
22. End hunger or hatred? it's too easy to say hatred, i think. i'm gonna say hunger. how would the world be if no one was ever without food? i'd like to see that.
23. Be stranded on an island with a clueless hottie or with a gross guy/girl with survival training? i've taken survival classes and i can make a fire out of just about anything...
24. See the movie or read the book? book first...
25. Bungee jump off the golden gate bridge or climb a really high cliff? bungee jump, but i'll take a dive too!
26. Have free chocolate for a year or free potatoes forever? i could live without chocolate...
27. Give up sleeping or eating? eating
28. Give up your computer or your phone? i hate dial up, so i'd give up this computer in a heartbeat with no real problem at all.
29. Be allergic to money or music? money, i f-ing hate money anyway.
30. Have to say everything on my mind or never speak again? i would hate to never speak again, that sounds like torture.
31. Have x-ray vision or bionic hearing? hearing is cool and all, but i would love the x-ray vision!
32. Find true love or $1,000,000,000? true love
33. Smell like licorice or popcorn? this one is too easy! you can have all sorts of fun with red vines! popcorn would get really old, really fast.
34. Go out with someone who hums all the time or someone who mumbles? i don't like when people mumble.
35. Be caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush? i sing in the mirror all the time, i'm the guy who sings in the car, and my "crush" is really far away.
36. Give bad advice or take it? well, i wouldn't want to ruin anyone's life with my bad advice, but i wouldn't want to take it either. i'm with bobanna again, i'd tell them that they didn't have to listen to what i was telling them...but, i'd still feel bad if they took my advice and it turned out badly.
37. Have skin that’s tie-dyed or zebra-striped? tie-dyed, hippie style...
38. Be locked overnight in a department store or library? you could sleep in either, but if you were in a department store you could play with all of the stuff!
39. Scream at the top of your lungs for one hour or be silent for 3 days? only an hour? sure. ever been to punk concert?
40. Be a good singer or a great songwriter? i'd love to be a great songwriter, but i'd like to be a singer first.
41. Snore or talk in your sleep? talk in my sleep, snoring sucks...
42. Play the violin or the drums? i already can play the drums for the most part, the violin would make you a better musician.
43. Wake up and find yourself in the middle or the desert or in the middle of the arctic? as long as i wasn't naked, i'd do alright in the artic. at least there, you'd have a source of water.
44. Have a crush on your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend or find out that (s)he has one on you? i would rather find out that they had a crush on me. i could deal with that and move on easily.
45. Have spinach caught in your teeth all day or fart on a first date? Fart. cause, most people know how to hide them and your date will never know. i don't know if i'd be all about a girl farting on the first date. just like she'd probably not like it if i farted either. let's be honest. it would put us off. the chance of laughter would be high, but the likeliness of a second "romantic-minded" date would be somewhat slim. farting comfort comes later in a relationship...unless you and the date are just going to be "buddies!" (one of the guys/girls) openly farting isn't really something you want to risk.
46. Vegetables tasted like candy or traffic sounded like laughter? laughter can be annoying too, just like the sound of traffic. i guess it would depend on which vegetables tasted like which candy.
47. Know when everyone else is lying or always get away with lying yourself? know when everyone else is, for sure.
48. Go hiking or watch a video? Right now - hiking...depends on my mood.
49. Dribble tomato sauce on your favorite shirt or sing loudly on a crowded bus? sing, even though someone might get mad and punch you and get blood on your favorite shirt. most people keep to themselves on the bus though...
50. On a scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent), how would you rate this survey? 5-almost annoying, but something to do...

Monday, March 07, 2005

die liver...DIE, DIE!!!

you non-enzyme-producing fuck!!!

i'm tryin' to drink away the part of the day that i can't sleep away...

yeah, that's right. fuck my liver. as most of you probably know i am plagued with the genetic disorder of PKU (phenylketonuria). a birth "defect" in which the liver is unable to produce the enzyme that breaks down the amino acid phenylalanine(sp). it's one of the basic 20. at any rate, i was watching "super size me" today. and WOW, i'm not gonna eat Mcdonalds for quite the long time. but, i'm once again mad at my liver for being less than what i need to function as a "normal" person. crazy how all i need is for my liver to produce one little enzyme to allow me to eat like the majority of the world. i'm not suffering, so no big deal.

tonight i finally got my mom to watch "bowling for columbine". it was great. she and i talked through most of it, but it was all on topic and it was all good. at one point i told her that "soon my generation will be in control..."
"and then what?" is what she responded with.

to be fair, i don't know what will happen next. i hope we'll have a window of peace, but who knows? i just think that our generation is gonna make a lot of good changes happen. hopefully we won't go too overboard and step on everyones' toes to get what we want like this last generation has done, but there are no promises. i realize that. i have faith in us though, we are much smarter than many generations before and we've seen a lot of the bad that can come out of the over-righteous public. so, hopefully, we can overcome that and make some really good changes come about.

of course, i say most of this after drinking about 6 beers in a row without eating very much. gotta love pyramid snow cap. it's hoppy, but very good.

i'm still hopeful for the future. i think that with people like jen in law school, we've got a good crop of people in line to set america straight. people who are liberal, but are not totally crazy either...people that are ready to look out for other people...not stiffle them with lame-assed laws that are made to keep homophobic, gun-toting, self-righteous, middle-americans feeling safe and warm in their hate mongering section of the country, while they keep consuming crap that they don't need from corperate america.

okay, my drunken ass is done.

i leave you all with this quote from dr. seuss, who's birthday was this last wednesday.

"unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot...nothing is going to get better it's not."

written so long ago...but it still makes so much sense...


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

like drawing blood...

finally, people are writing about their lives again...

it's good to hear from you guys and have it be about what is actually happening in your lives at the moment. i love making random posts, but i usually give a rundown on how things are going!

SO. not much to report today. a houseparty sounds okay i guess, my idea is to rent out the tumwater community center and have some bands come in and rock the place to the ground. now THAT sounds like fun! no alcohol allowed, but i think we're grown up enough that we can live without least until after the show. who knows though.

on the literary scene though i've actually got my head into three different books at the moment. I'm still trudging though the indie music one that i've mentioned before and i'm also working on a book on starting a band and i'm also reading kurt cobains' 'journals'. i told myself that i would never read kurts' private journals, but jen put it well when she said, "look, i don't know how i feel about reading his personal thoughts, but i hate the idea that courtney love is making a buck off of his private journals. if someone bought them FOR me, then i wouldn't be giving courtney a dime so why shouldn't i read them?" of course, i paraphase, but it was more or less something like that. now, i'm not reading any "classics" by many peoples' standards, but this stuff is interesting to me. i'm also starting to gear up to read "the history of 'HIP'". a book on...well...'Hip' the term and what it is/means/how it came to be/and the different aspects of it. it's actually a very interesting topic.

so yeah. there you go. there's another post for you all to read and take up a few minutes of your workday...

hope it finds you all in good spirits!

great to hear from austin tonight! i miss you guys!!!

gotta run...Scrubs is on!
