aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Sunday, October 31, 2004

float on...

i've used that title so many times...

instead of making my usual post about my weekend, i think i'll just take a survey...

1. First Name: not telling...we're all nameless here...
2. Were you named after anyone? yes, he brought the walls down
3. Do you wish on stars? yes, we all should...kermit even says
4. When did you last cry? when i thought of the end of Stone Fox...(snif, here i go again...)
5. Do you like your handwriting? no
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? i don't acutally EAT meat, i uh...well you see where i'm goin' with this...OH!
7. What is your birth date? may 10th, 1980
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? OMC-how bazarr
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? yes
10. Are you a daredevil? from time to time...
11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? probably i have a notoriously big mouth...i know, i suck
12. Do looks matter? if anyone says no, they're lying...
13. How do you release anger? i like hitting a punching bag, i haven't for a while...
14. Where is your second home? where she's not
15. Do you trust others easily? yes, but hobbs was right...
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? he-man...of course.
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? kiel, enough said
18. Do you have a journal? perhaps...
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? no, never
22. What are your nicknames? i've been called pookie, jerk, penis, and weatherboy...only one stuck...thank god
23. Would you bungee jump? yes
24. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? depends on how big a hurry i'm in
26. Do you think that you are strong? Yes in some ways...
27. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough, but i don't eat a lot of ice cream
28. Shoe Size? 9 it's misleading...
29. Red or pink? my new obession
30. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? i don't want to be putting negitive vibes out i'll abstain from that one...
31. Who do you miss most? duh.
32. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back? no, i'm just bored
33. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? blue and no shoes
34. What are you listening to right now? "in the morning of the magicians"-Flaming Lips
35. Last thing you ate? halloween candy...that i stole from my sister
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? space needle white (it's an actual color! it's in the new "limited edition" crayola box featuring all the states...why we weren't green or gray i'll never know)
37. What is the weather like right now? clear and cold on this all hallows eve
38. Last person you talked to on the phone? jen
39. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair, eyes, legs, it's never the same twice...
40. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, she's a good kid (she didn't actually send this i kinda jacked it from her journal)
41. Favorite Drink? Pepsi and various beers including: Fish Tale Organic Amber, Alaskan Amber, Mak and Jack's African Amber (this is all coincidence) Fat Tire, Redhook ESB, Mirror Pond, Pyramid's Hefewisen (widermere bros. is okay) and i could probably go on and on...
42. Favorite Sport? football and various other sports that make use of my "talents"...OH!
43. Hair Color? blond that slowly is getting darker
44. Eye Color? blue
45. Do you wear contacts? No
46. Favorite Food? french fries and thai is good too
47. Last Movie You Watched? wrong turn, it was okay i watched it at like 2:30am so i was really into it
48. Favorite Day Of The Year? no particular fav. i like october though and halloween is one of my favorite holidays
49. Summer Or Winter? Summer in Alaska, Winter in Washington
50. Hugs OR Kisses? hugs, kisses are reserved...
51. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? heh heh... yeah
52. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? everyone, that's not what i'm looking for here if people talk about it, cool...
53.What book are you reading? Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects
54. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? family guy with K.T. and HEW
55. Rolling Stones or Beatles? NEITHER
56. Do you believe in Evolution or Creationist? i believe in a thing called love...
57. What's the furthest you've been from home? Italy

Well, that was fun...

talk to you all later!


Saturday, October 30, 2004

All Hallows...

hey all...

just needed a little time to myself. not sure i've taken enough time. HOWEVER, a major holiday is here. saturday will be my day to hang out, i've got TOO much to do that's due on monday. SO, there's some talk of hanging out at a fathers', brothers', bestfriends', cousins', sisters' former roommates' for a party. haven't hung out that much for a while and the former roommate is still a good friend, but i don't know. i'm still not totally pumped about it. i'm not really totally pumped about anything right now. it's been a weird time for me.

i'm always open for suggestions. i don't know what would motivate me. what are everyone else’s' plans for tonight? i have to ref AGAIN this weekend so i will miss out on football practice AGAIN. Oh, did i mention that i'm gonna try and join a minor league football team here in oly? well, i am. south sound shockers, that's what they're called. anyways i'll never be able to make it to a practice until this stupid reffing season gets over!

so, everyone...POST let us all know what you're doing. it's good to hang out with people that make you happy.


Monday, October 25, 2004

sad times...

think i'm done for a while...

stay tuned...


there just aren't enough tassels in the world...

one of my best weekends ever...

so much happened this weekend, but it was all not too big of a deal. friday rolled around and i had a seminar to go to in the morning...very boring. afterwards a BUNCH of people from my program all went to this restaurant called "katie downs" in tacoma, on the waterfront. it was great to hang out and talk with these people, they are all so much fun to be around it was great. eventually we all had a shot together and then headed out on our various ways. i had a nice long car ride ahead of me.

from tacoma i headed north. on to woodenville and the redhook brewery. i met up with HEW and our roomie from college there. we talked and they drank for a while (i was kinda done for the night...kinda-i just knew i'd be doing a lot of driving over the next 24 hours) anyways, eventually we all left and got KT and we all met up with bobanna and schwee at the Gender Explosion on capitol hill.

the explosion was great! it was so funny and cool and kinda hot. schwee mentioned the 1940's type burlesque dancer woman, who was awesome and she did the tassel twirling, that was just plain cool. i was kind of surprised that she didn't get a bigger ovation considering the audience.

after the show no one was ready to end the fact we all wanted to do some dancing. so, what was a good dance place that wouldn't be too expensive and wasn't too far away? neighbors. and, after a quick stop where we ate some food at do'MINo's (ya' know that family place?) we met up with bobanna's man and headed on over. it was great. the people were cool, not like the assholes and creepy people that you might run into in the clubs downtown. upon walking in the door one of the doormen rubbed my head and said "awe, aren't you cute!" i got my compliment and was ready to take the floor. the music was crazy and fun and we danced forever, and only paid $5 for cover (downtown is looking worse and worse). sometime around 2:30 or so members of the group started mysteriously disappearing, so the last few of us, schwee, HEW and i all decided to call it a night. we went out in search of food and our travels took us to the hop in the u-distict. i'd only been there once before with jen. this time was interesting cause it took us FOREVER to get some food and i was being a real bitch about it. i was ready to take off and head over to the ave and hit the burger hut, but eventually we sat down and got our order out. the food eventually came and i enjoyed my VERY undercooked fries and had great conversation with great people!!

After that we parted ways again and HEW and i went back to his house where i promtly got about 2 hours of sleep and woke up again. cause i had 3 football games to ref down in olympia saturday was great. i was SO tired and it was SO cold. PLUS, for some reason, the coaches were particularly bitchy too! i thought for a while that maybe i was just tired and they were really being fine...but NO! a lot of the coaches were being assholes that morning and i almost had to eject one of them! fuckin' people, sometimes...

after the games i went home and took a shower and grabbed some more clothes and talked to jen. then i turned my ass around and drove back on up to seattle for the Bill Mahr show, which was fucking awesome!!!! he was so funny! his show consisted of a lot of bush bashing and a lot of common sense stuff, but it was SO funny. needless to say the people in the audience came out of it feeling good, a lot of laughing and a new national

After that (yes this is the weekend that never ends) HEW and i headed on over to Brandy's (a friend of black mamba's that i met when i was still in western) house to have a welcome home party for black mamba who is now back in washington for good, her hubby is still of fighting the wrong war at the wrong time, no actually he's in Asscrackastan. so we met up with her and a bunch of her friends, most of whom i just don't know...but we did meet a nice guy named Phak, that was cool. there was a lot of drinking and taking care of kids who went a little crazy, but all in all the night was really good, just meeting new people and talking with them. brandy is a really cool person and she's married to this really nice girl named terese(i think) there were a lot of lesbians at this party. this weekend really had a Gender Explosional underlying theme!

The next morning HEW and i went to our usual morning food place, Elmers. We tried to get ahold of K.T. and have her have "breakfast" (at 12:30pm or so) with us, but no answer. As we were leaving K.T. called and we all ended up watching the Seahawks LOSE AGAIN at HEW's house. K.T. told us about her adventures in europe over the summer. it was cool seeing pictures and hearing about her work and stuff. THEN the three of us headed on out to Stewart Andersons and got some more food... it was just like old times up at western...almost too much so... K.T. proved to HEW and i again that she does need a butt gasket!!

now, it's monday and here i am left with the memories of a great weekend. the whole weeked wasn't perfect, some strange things happened, but overall i can't complain. it was another of the weekends where i can take a whole bunch of memories and lock them away to remember a great time in my life. i think once upon i time i used to pine away for the past, but i do believe that i've grown up a little bit and this weekend was one of those times where i lived with a love for the moment. i think i need to keep doing that more. it makes life so much more fun and exciting. i can still be nostalgic, but i need to make sure that i'm there in the moment when it happens...what am i talking about? ...i don't know.

i had a great weekend. thanks to all who were involved with it. hopefully it can be repeated several more times throughout the year.

i don't know what else to say...there's not a whole lot to look in to, it was a good weekend.

i'll talk to you all later...

"and there was much rejoicing..."



Tuesday, October 19, 2004

football, football, football...

and maybe a little bit of halloween...

i love october. the leaves are changing. there's a different smell in the air. it makes me think of many things, football, halloween, and jen, for obvious reasons...:) after a weekend of being really sick and kind of in a daze, i finally emerged from it yesterday and had a pretty good day. i went to class and that was all well and good. but, i also went to see "friday night lights". oh my god, it was SO GOOD. there are only a few movies were it's okay for guys to cry, movies where the hero dog dies, and i would have to say this movie. i saw a bunch of older age and older...sitting there wiping their eyes at the end, just like me. i won't say much else about it. i think it really hits the guys who played football in high school pretty hard, or anyone who was caught up in their high school's football program in any way. take my word for it though, it was good.

SPEAKING of football...
the seahawks did something that i only wished for for a brief moment. they got jerry rice. i was sitting in my room sometime around 3:00am this morning (i just couldn't sleep, good mood coming off of a good day and a good movie just kept me awake) and i just happened to switch to sportscenter and they mentioned that jerry rice had been traded...well i decided to sit through ALL of the BORING-ASS baseball commentary and finally they announced that Jerry Rice was being traded to Seattle! i was so happy i was yelling and clapping, i was so excited. i think that jerry rice is exactly what the hawks need. someone they can rely on for a few seasons more while he teaches our young receivers how to be REAL receivers. i can't wait to see jerry in a game up here, it'll be great! as soon as i heard that he was looking for a trade, i knew that this would be the best place for him to come and finish out his record-breaking career.

On to halloween. OR, all hallows eve, for you who might be afraid of the pagan ties to this VERY HARMLESS holiday. i honestly thought that christians stopped having a hard time with this holiday when it was called all hallows eve. the night we remember those who have passed before us. but, no, thanks to bobanna i've found that the "devils' holiday" idea still isn't gone. so sad. as most historians, or people who just love the holiday, know, halloween gets its origins from the old celtic festival called Samhain. it was the "new years eve" if you will, of the celtic year. it marked the end of the sunny days and the time of harvest. it was when the death process in nature began for them. IT'S HARMLESS. i also must take this time and remind ALL christians that a whole TON of our "sacred religious holiday practices" are STOLEN from pagen traditions. it was all a part of rome making it easier for people to give up paganism. there's more to it all, but just relax and enjoy the candy and the kids and the scary movies and's fun! this is my favorite time of year!
(oh, there's this new scary move coming out, it's called..."white noise", it's with Michael Keaton. it looks SO FUCKING SCARY!)

So, there's a little update for ya. i even included a little lesson on halloween, isn't that special? i don't have class today, so i will take this time to relax, cause i don't think i did enough of that this weekend..., and i'll get a paper done. other than that, i want to do some reading and maybe have a few beers as it's been a long time since i've had some fish tale...

take is easy everyone, don't let the man get you down...

current music:mixed cd by jen...currently-The Postal Service


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Pho' seahawks...

they just can't seem to get a break...

I spent the morning yelling at my television. to some of you who know me, that might not seem too out of the ordinary on any occasion. however, today i was yelling at the referee's in foxborough. it really bugs me when the refs kind of just give a game away like that. now i'm a very bias man, i love the seahawks. BUT, honestly there were like 7 penalties on the seahawks in the first quarter alone...and NONE for the pats. that's just bullshit. the refs were obviously from the area. i was so mad. and i was even more upset that seattle posted this great comeback push, and we just fell flat...again.

anyways, i finally went out and did that cultural thing for my diversity class. i went and ate at Pho' Olympia, vietnamese food. it was damn good. what i got was wonderfully spicy, lots of good noodles, a fucking huge serving, and really, really cheap! i'm making this place a regular stop in my growing menu of places to eat in oly. so good. i even tried some chinese beer, tsangtao, i think it was called...not bad really. it went along well with the food.

so yeah, that's what i've been up to about the rest of you? i know, usually the majority of people who read my post and post themselves do so after the weekend is over. when they should be getting along with their day to day lives they take breaks from school and work to update their posts. so i leave you all with a lot of new stuff from me to read, if you haven't been checking recently. and my best wishes that you all have a productive week to come! (i sound like a fortune cookie!)

peace out bitches!


Saturday, October 16, 2004

well that is that, and this is this...

you tell me what you want and i'll tell you what you get. you get away from me...

now, i really like 'float on', by modest mouse. but, 'the ocean breaths salty' is almost equally as cool. it's kinda dark, but i like it. there's one hopeful line in the song. not too bad.

anyways, the reffing went well. i had some evil parents yelling at me from the sidelines. these people need to stop living through their kids. dads who go nuts and yell at me and at their kids. it's just not cool. and just so you all know MOMs are NO BETTER. there are almost as many cheerleaders on the sidelines as there are players on the sideline! and for every cheerleader out there there's a mom sitting in the front row doing all of the moves with them. it's americana at it's best and all, i guess. people just passing the traditions down. i can't honestly say that i won't urge my kids to do the same things. i'd love to have a son play football, or a little girl as a cheerleader. OR, the complete opposite, i'm not gonna play the gender game. a girl can play football if she damn well chooses, i've seen it many times. even in Kenai, redneck, Alaska there was a girl on the high school football team! i saw her play, and she made one of the best blocks for a run i've ever seen. it was totally textbook and she took like two guys right out of the play, it was awesome! she was like half their size too! anyways, i'm done being all progressive. if i had little girls i really would perfer they did cheerleading, i'm sorry. and i'd like my boys to play football, if it's possible. i know i must be a sexist asshole. but, that's how i feel.

so yeah, here i sit. bored again. not feeling 100%, but i think i reached almost 80%. that's not half bad. i'm gonna hang out and watch some guessed it, football! and then i'm probably gonna just turn in early. i might get up early tomorrow and head off to mass at 8am so i can watch the seahawks play at 10am. we'll see.

if anyone out there is bored too, i'm right here, reach out and do some touchin'...

"...and maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old...well, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know i hope so..."


calling in sick...

i just can't do it...

i can't call in sick. i'm not even up to my expected 75% yet, but i'm gonna brave the rain and the cold to ref. my morning has gone by remarkably fast, so i'm assuming that i'm feeling much better, i'm not coughing as much and i haven't sneezed all day (knock on wood). so, let's hope that today goes off without a hitch.

HEW expressed some interest in coming down this weekend, as i am sick, i will not be traveling up to seattle this weekend. i could use the company, i don't know how exciting i'll be, but it's always nice to be around people. anyways, one of the guys in my cohort, Jeremy, wanted to get together to have dinner (an assignment for our diversity class, if you can believe it) and tonight was the night we were going to try to pull that together. he also mentioned that afterward we could move on to the bars. i think that sounds really good, i do like the bar scene down here. especially when i can experience it with cool people who are fun to be around, not that idiot greener chick (sorry, but i'm starting to not like her more and more). so, maybe that's in order for the night. i hope so.

so, yeah, that's pretty much all that's going on here south of seattle. i'm kicking the tail-end of this cold, but i'm feeling hopeful that what's left of it won't be bothersome enough for me to postpone my life further.

i'll talk to you all later...

i'm kicking some major ass on this posting shit now!


Friday, October 15, 2004

do what i please...

gonna spread the disease because i wanna...

no, i'm not diseased, i'm just sick, and i'm not gonna spread it.

i've spent the last 16 hours in my bed, on cold medicine to try to kill whatever it is that it ailing me. it's definatly not gone yet, but i'm feeling much better. i'm still in a fog at the moment, but i can't tell if it's the sick fog, or the 'i've got too much sleep' fog.

i feel especially bad because i talked to jen for a little while last night and she was upset. this distance is really kicking our asses. imagine that you are with the person you love. you have spent the majority of your relationship living in different places, but still seeing each other pretty regularly, but still not enough. THEN everything changes. you move to a place where the two of you are together all of the time, in fact you practically live together! for about an academic schoolyear! you find out that you two work so well together, sure you have your arguements, but you begin to rely on each other. like one of you waking the other person up in the morning when that person is NOT a morning person in ANY way! or, driving each other to school and whatnot. sleeping in a bed next to each other, feeling the warmth and love every night. THEN one of you just up and leaves, has to go to school again in a far away place. and all the ties that you developed are just cut and left there. the feeling is still there, but you left a part of you far away. it's hard, and this is what jen and i deal with every day. our relationship has always been one where one of us has always been far away from the other. there has only been two times where we were in the same place, at the same time, and one of them was high school, the other i've already described. all we want is to see each other more, we've been dating for SO long, but our relationship isn't like anyone elses' that i've ever seen. i've seen many relationships start and fail, sometimes the ones that fail seemed to be the ones that would make it. it's hard to tell. jen and i have stood the test of time, that's to say the least, i guess we just want to be together...why is that so hard for us? i should have all of the answers, but i don't. i love her, that's all i know, and it's done well for me thus far...

sorry, i don't even know what i'm rambling about, just a flood of emotions i guess.

well, today is friday and i'm still sick. so, i'll be taking it easy all day. maybe i'll break out the old x-box and figure out how to use it.

i've been told that i seem to write to only a few different people, HEW, schwee, bobanna, black mamba from time to time, and jen. i know my audience and that's who i write to. these people are the only people i know of who actually read my journal, so naturally i would write to my audience. it does make me seem a little pathetic i guess. of all the people i've just listed only one of them is a guy, and two of the females were friends of jen's before they were friends of mine. but, i do consider them friends now. black mamba is a friend of HEW's and the only person that jen hasn't met, but she'd probably like her if she met her. my circle of friends does seem a little small, but i have other people i interact with, like the people in my masters program. but, we don't hang out all that much and i have fun with them and all, but they aren't the same as my friends in seattle. besides, my cohort members all have their own lives established just like i do, they are always hanging out with their friends and whatnot, so it's not like we all have no life.

i'm putting all of this useless information out there so no one will feel like they've missed out on a part of something. my life is pretty uncomplicated, if it was i'd get confused...that happens to me easily. again i don't know exactly what i'm saying, but i'm just talking...if i seem to stop making sense, please refer to the title of my journal...

well, there's another update for ya'll hope things are going well...

update your stuff, i'll be home all weekend so i'll be checking! give me a call if you're bored!

-Weatherboy (who misses jen)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

top 4 college movies of all time...

to me at least...

#1. PCU -even though this movie doesn't have ANY nudity in it at all (all the other movies on my list do), it's still shows college life in the way most movies never get around to. and it's very intelligent.

#2. Revenge of the Nerds -shot at the campus of the university of arizona, this movie has it all. it's funny, it shows the underdog overcoming great odds, and it's the ONLY movie i know of that re-inacts the tradition of the panty raid...classic. good view on 80's greek life too.

#3. Van Wilder -it's by the people of national lampoon, and it's funny, clever, and still holds on to that sick humor that made national lampoon such a mainstay in comedy movies throughout the years.

#4. Animal House -it's a classic. not much more to be said. it's what started the tradition. plus, it has tom hulce! the guy who SHOULD have got an acadamy award for his role in Amadeus.

for right now there is no five. i have strict rules on the choosing of these movies and NO none of the american pies count. maybe Road Trip could be #5, but it's just an okay movie, there are a lot of okay college movies. I listed the ones that have staying power, in my mind. the ones i listed are movies that EVERYONE in college should watch at least once.

I'm watching "So, i married an axe murder" right now, that's kinda what sparked me to do this. i love that movie.

other movies to check out that are good "college time" movies (not movies about college) are:
1.the evil dead series (they're all awesome)
2.the rocky horror picture show (tim curry! come on! if you haven't seen it you owe it to yourself) you go to UW and know ANYTHING about seattle or the music, watch this movie, probably the best romantic comedy out there period. it's not sappy or overly lame, and it has a KICK ASS soundtrack)
4.a clockwork orange (it's crazy, check it out)

the list can go on and on, but there are some suggestions.

i know this is kind of a random post...but i'm sick so leave me alone!


rollercoaster life...

that about sums it up...

after a spectacular weekend of laid back drinking, singing, meeting new people and football...i found myself heading home (unfortunately) on saturday night. i received a call from schwee sometime on saturday night, but i had already made my trek home, i would have had so much more fun had i stayed in the emerald city that night i would bet. and that causes me much pain.

no, instead i went home and sat around. on sunday i met up with my aunt and 1st cousin-once removed at church with the rest of the local fam. we all headed over to the g-parents house to have dinner. my cousin, who is 9 by the way, sat next to me during dinner...the first thing she does it look me dead in the eye and pronounce, "you need to shave. you look better when you shave." she's 9!!! and giving me fashion tips! i explained to her that i decided to grow it out for a while to see how it looks, but no, she told me i needed to shave. gotta love the honesty of kids.

so, monday i attended a class at a local "high class" grocery store, (ralph's bayview to anyone who knows the area or remembers where we got our supplies for the 4th. it's an absolutely beautiful store and the eating area is ON the pier like the store and looks out over budd bay, it's amazing) and it was a cooking class on "hearty italian soups" it was really cool, it was set up like we were on the set of this really nice cooking show. the chef lady came out and told us the stories of the soups and she made four different ones that we all got to taste and they were all really good! some not spicy enough for me, but that could be fixed. we even got to taste some wine and she showed us a great way to make garlic bread. needless to say i walked out of ralphs that night with a bottle of Bolla-Valpolicella. which brings me to my next topic of the morning...

i guess i really do like wine. since i drank 1-1/2 bottles last night! There's just something about watching political debates that makes me want something to drink. it was a good time though, and i did some drunk dialing, but not to the usual victim. i'm just testing myself, i think my tolerance is getting better and better all the time. the only thing that happened to me last night as far as the effects of drinking is concerned is i went to sleep around 12am when in the same situation on the weekend i'd be up until about 5. whatever...i didn't have a hang over or a headache the next day...

this is all fine and good, but i woke up this morning with that horrible feeling in the back of your throat, behind your palate. you know when it's all sore and hurts when you swallow? anyways, i think i'm coming down with a cold of some sort. damn it. i really didn't need this for the weekend, but at least i'm doing ok otherwise.

so, there's my rollercoaster life for right now...i had a great weekend and got to hang out with my friends and with bug (for a little while) and watch football and watch a hardcore lesbian sing the best metallica i've ever heard anyone do, total eclipse of the heart did kick ass, as did everyone else's performances, i liked "waterloo" but that's just me, no one else knew the disappointed bobanna! sounds like a round two is in order...hopefully when i'm not feeling sick like i am now...

and i still have to go to class today...

bad words...


Friday, October 08, 2004

two posts within 12 hours...

it must be hormonal...

well, last night i found out that waking up early + homework and school all day + beer and wine...don't = a headache for this just equals me falling asleep around 10. i was a tuckered out little trooper last night.

anyways, something happened in class the other day that made me want to come on here and rant a little, so please allow me to paint the picture...

we were all supposed to bring in artifacts from different cultures and stuff and tell about our interest in our artifact and tell what we will bring to the social studies classroom. no big deal right? that's my major after all. SO, my artifacts are a viking sword and a few of my books on nirvana and kurt cobain, cause i like the music culture of seattle in the 90's (and now too). I begin telling everyone about my interest in music and one of the people in class, jokingly, asked me what i thought happened to kurt cobain. i've made my feelings known a few different times, but now was not the time to bring it up again, so i just kinda laughed it off and said i'm not sure...

NOW, here's the part that pisses me off! some of you might remember a girl in my program i refer to as 'greener' (guess where she went to school). greener grew up in olympia and SUPPOSEDLY knew all sorts of underground music people, she claims to KNOW the girls of sleater-kinney. anyways, she got all weird when the subject of kurts' death was brought up, like she knew something we all didn't or i was giving out secret information or something! ok, the thing that really bothers me is that she was at her seat going, "ummm, yeah...uh...anyways..'weatherboy'...stop!" like i was saying something that was either offending her, or scaring her. like someone was going to come and get me for saying something like that out loud within a hundred miles of olympia. see, according to greener, lots of people who still live in olympia and run in the underground music circles knew kurt cobain and will get really mad if you say ANYTHING negitive about him or say something that might be viewed in a bad way. she stopped me from talking about him the same way, but with a lot more urgency, a few months ago when we were just out walking around downtown oly. LIKE SOMEONE WAS GOING TO HEAR ME AND COME AND KICK MY ASS FOR TALKING ABOUT A GUY WHO IS DEAD! and hey, i'm sorry if i would offend anyone, but kurt DIDN'T LIKE the underground music scene in oly that much! They're a bunch of elitist assholes down here! some of the people in this "indie, underground" scene think that they are the real artists of the world and the rest all all just posers. It just bothers me that people would act like that, telling someone not to talk about something that is really not that big of a deal in ANY WAY. i can understand why people who knew kurt wouldn't want anyone saying anything bad about them, but for greener to be so lame and paranoid, like she is guarding something so sacred, it just comes off seeming really stupid and oversensitive...especially coming from someone who embraces a music culture that DOES have some good talent, but can't get over themselves...

Anyways, greener never seems to miss a chance to annoy, that's why i've kind of stopped hanging out with her and her husband. not like i did that much anyways.

give me the kindhearted kids that i know are good people up there in seattle any day. i still like oly, it's great...but it needs to get over itself.

ok, so i've ranted, and i still don't know what i'm really talking about. but, i'm glad that i got that out. i'm gonna go and clean for a while.

i hope i can see some of you kids in seattle tonight! if you haven't got the invitation...consider yourself invited!

talk to you all later!!


Thursday, October 07, 2004

mirror alaskan amber...

not such a bad change up...

well, shoot. a whole lot has happened in my life i guess. don't know quite where to start. i don't always know what to post on this journal, sometimes i think i just like telling you guys what's going on in my life and i use this forum as a way to keep everyone informed. other times, i want to tell you what i'm thinking about. for instance...

it's finally happened. another ex-girlfriend is getting married. she'll be married on the 8th of october. now, i'll be honest, i didn't treat ANY of my high school girlfriends right...not until jen. so, the other three girls...and there were only THREE, kinda all got a bad deal. i was a jerk. when i wanted to break up with any of those three girls, what i did was jut ignore them...for like two weeks! god, i'm such an asshole. these poor teenaged girls who i was going out with and were all very emotional and i just made them feel worthless. i suck. now another one of them is getting married, but this time i really don't care. this is the one girl who i told her i loved her. NOW, neither of us were mature enough to know what love is, we were in love with the idea of being in love. a very typical highschool thing to do. the break up was bad and i totally did her wrong. i take full blame for all the badness at the end and she had every right to be angry with me for a long time. we fell back into a friendship of sorts again anyways though. but, now, for some reason i just don't care that she's getting married. she was definatly a interesting part of my life, but i guess i'm just over it. jen asked me if i do care, and insisted that i do care at least a little bit. but, you know, i've tried to reflect on the reationship and all, but i was 15 and we were a dumb couple and i just don't care. in fact jen probably thinks about it more than i do! i don't know, i'm not nostalgic about this ex or anything anymore, it's over. so there. that's what's on my mind right now.

beer is good. i like mirror pond. i didn't drink that much tonight when i stopped at buzzes to get some jojo's and a couple of pints of mirror pond, cause my dumb ass though that the debates were on tonight, so i only had two and rushed home. i love going to bars, ordering a beer or two and sitting around reading books. it's by far and away my new favorite thing. i wish i could include you all in this, but it's kinda something that i like to do by myself. it's easier to read that way. jen and i could probably pull it off, cause she could study torts or something while i read. anyways...there you go...

SO, i'm thinking about being in the seattle area this weekend. in fact, i might head my ass on over to the husky game on saturday cause HEW got some last second tickets through his dad's work. SO, any of you easy-D's out there gonna be at the game? (sorry, i love that joke) give me a holler!

umm, i'm done with my second internship and it went SO WELL. the kids loved me, the teacher loved me, and the faculty loved me. i'm gonna request this school for my final student teaching this winter quarter, it's gonna be awesome!

SO, i'm thinking football and karaoke this weekend, but maybe karaoke on friday night. who's with me? HEW already said he was, anyone else? Bobanna? Schwee? bug(i never know with you)? get a hold of me you guys lets get together, it's been WAY WAY WAY too long since we all hung out!

i'm gonna go finish my alaskan amber. sorry i'm not sufficently drunk enough to leave a highly humorus post, but at least i'm not spend my free time looking at volcanic activity...AT WORK!

I'll talk to you all soon!

me love you all long time...!