ah, calming blue...
alright, now i hope that most of you agree that chris rock is probably one of the funniest people alive today, i think he is. i just got done watching his latest standup on hbo, HOLY SHIT it was SO funny! He does this thing were he talks about marriage and shit, oh my god i thought i was gonna die! he mentioned something about the symbolism of the bride throwing the flowers...hahahahaaa....i'm cracking up again just thinking about it! for those of you at mrs. bunwells' (yes, MRS.) wedding you would understand, well maybe just schwee and possibly bobanna. i'm gonna tape it when it comes on again, in about an hour...gotta love satellite tv!
So, i was just listening to modest mouse, they're on "the end's top 10" and they're #10 tonight with 'the ocean breaths salty'. I remember a story that i heard them tell about modest mouse on the end like a couple of weeks ago. evidently at a show they were doing the lead singer was being a total jerk and was "mocking his sudden celebrity" saying shit like they were only gonna play one more song and that was fucking it and the crowd would just have to deal with it. (THE END's dj thought that was funny-the dumbass) well, i'm happy to say that he was just kidding around and the band ended up doing like 4 encores. but, my problem is this...ok, i know modest mouse has been around for a long time and the guy is like "what the fuck? we've been around forever and people are JUST liking us now?" he probably feels like this is kind of selling out in a way. i just want to say...FUCK HIM if that's what he thinks. he needs to stop acting like the poor misunderstood artist and BE FUCKING GREATFUL to all of these people who have discovered his music and now like the band. and let me ALSO say that the only reason that his songs are getting played more than they have in the past is that his songwriting took a MAJOR turn and he rose to a higher level. there are thousands and thousands of bands that would LOVE AND KILL to have modest mouse's kind of success, even the success they had before this last album. The lead singer/songwriter for the band should get over his little problem or i might just lose a taste for modest mouse, even though i think this last album is AMAZING and HEY i'm one of the people who JUST jumped on the modest mouse bandwagon! i've heard their old stuff, i used to spin their records back up at western on the radio, but they've become something more thanks to their good songwriting on this last album "good news for people who like bad news" and i hope they don't keep acting like little bitches and just enjoy the fucking ride...i know i would. the whole "we don't need you people" act needs to fucking go, quick...kurt's dead and his deal was real, modest mouse is from "the quah" not aberdeen probably the most depressing town i've EVER been in. life's not that bad, as their amazing song "float on" says...
ok, sorry about that little rant. i don't do it too often. anyways, wow i'm back. i've written for two days consecutively! WOO! go me. yeah, so i start my next internship tomorrow. i still haven't talked to the guy i'll be interning under, but i guess i get to meet him tomorrow. should prove interesting. OH, did anybody know that i'm working on becoming a football ref? i'm in an apprenticeship program with the local union here and i'll be a line-judge for youth football soon. so yeah, i'm out there working with the schools and the school programs. good times...
alright. so, not much else is on my feeble mind at the moment. i still haven't got around to reading my nirvana book, there's been too much going on here. HOWEVER, i have checked out a few books on cider brewing and i think i'm going to try my hand at it sometime this fall...that's gonna be cool.
so, yeah. i'm out.
i'll talk to ya'll bitches later...
aimless meanderings of a simple mind
for description of of title...see title...
Monday, August 30, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
no sleep till brooklyn...
ok, i'm back from church. i'm so glad that this weekend is a longer one for me. i really don't feel like having to worry about going to school in the morning. but, i do have a few things i need to do. one of them is get my ass down to the city courthouse or whatever to sign my voter registration. the last three times i've registered there's always been a problem. it's starting to piss me off. i'm pretty sure i signed everything, so i don't know what's going on. i just want everything done so i can vote this november. is that too much to ask?
ok, speaking of voting, i went to the kerry rally in tacoma yesterday. i was talking about going anyways, but good old HEW called around 8:30am and told me General Clark was going to be there and i decided that there was no way that i could miss something like that, so off i went. it was hard to see and it was a lot of stuff that i had already heard, but the energy was great and i think that kerry might really have a chance and he just might be able to do some really good things. so, yeah...
i just bought ANOTHER book on nirvana...the band, not the state of ultimate enlightenment. i'm like a little kid, i'm so excited about reading it. i read the "love and death" book on kurt's murder so quickly that i was left wanting to find out more. so, i got a book on the history of the band as told through interviews and stuff...it's gonna be really good...i hope!
k, i'm off to go read!
till next time,
"let's lick bush! and his dick!" -one of the bumper stickers at the rally
the biggest offender of them all...
it's been so long since i've posted. i've been really bad about it. i've seen or talked to just about everyone who would ever read this though, so you all know i'm ok and there's no problems other than just finding the time to write. it's not that i've been SUPER busy, i've just always got something else that needs to get done and i forget to post. oh, well let's move on from here.
so, i have a lot of things to talk about i suppose. i went to a wedding, reunited with people that i had almost totally written off, but somehow can't decide how i feel about this individual now. who knows, at this point i'm just in a "moving on" state of mind, so lets...
uh, well one thing that kind of weirds me out is that today is sunday and instead of staying up super late on saturday night...i went to sleep around 10:30 or so. then i woke up around 2:30 or so, called jen to let her know that i fell asleep and that's why didn't call her back (i'm sure she figured that out) then i thought i'd fall right back asleep. nope. it's now around 9:3o, i'm fixin' to head off to church in a minute and i've been up since 2:30am. i'm doing things backwards and who knows what kind of night i'm going to have tonight since i'll most likely crash this afternoon.
well, shit. maybe i'll give everyone a call tonight. that'd be good, a quick hello to see how everyone is doing...
well, off to St. John's episcopal church...goodtimes...
i'll write more...eventually...
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
each day is better than the next...
...take a second look at that.
hey kids. i'm bad. for many reasons evidently. i have not posted in quite the long time. i haven't been in the mood, honestly. and i'm still not really in the mood now. but, i thought i'd leave this out there in cyberspace to let you know that i'm still breathing and keepin' on...it's a struggle sometimes though. i have times everyday that are good and times that are bad. unfortunatly you guys get to see me in the bad time.
well, lots has happened since i last posted, but none of it seems important enough for me to remember and relate to you guys at the moment. sorry. i'm just in a bad way right now...need to get off the web and get some work done, i have a paper due tomorrow, i haven't even started. it shouldn't kill me, but i need to get it done.
so, um...schwee i'm glad you're home. scout, sorry for not calling back yet (no good reason for not calling, just feeling bad), bobanna...yeah, and HEW i'll give you a call sometime, baby...(sigh).
Monday, August 09, 2004
Let me know when you can lick your own back...
holy dicknuts!
alright, i'm sorry that it's been so long since i posted. i'm a bad person of sorts. i've been doing a lot, but i can sum it up pretty quickly...
i went to NY to see jen. it was awesome. it went too fast. i miss her. a lot of us miss her, she misses us, but she's doing really well. i can't wait to see her again as she might be coming in october! i really miss my baby girl...
anyways, so here i am. i got back yesterday. thanks to my dumb-ass not setting my phone clock to east coast time, i set my alarm wrong and i slept right through my flight home yesterday. i flipped out, i NEVER miss flights. jen calmed me down, took me to syracuse and i got on standby and left right away. i had to wait for a long time in chicago (more on that in a second) and then i finally got on a flight that got me into seatac around 6:50. so, overall the day didn't go that badly i guess...other than the leaving jen...
OK, now, i really don't like the midwest. people say that the pacific northwest is depressing...yeah i just don't see that. ok, maybe the weather gets a little gray and it can stay that way for a while, but that's a fucking JOKE compared to how depressing i find the midwest. notice how i said I feel, you all might have different opinions about the midwest, but i just have to say that I find it absolutely miserable. I went into a bar in the airport, ok no big deal, it's just a bar right? three beers on tap, 1.) budweiser, 2.) bud lite, and the one i settled for...3.) Samuel Adams (never a good choice). OK, colorado is NOT that far away from chicago...and chicago is supposed to be some kind of MAJOR hub of the united states. Colorado is the closest state with decent beer; they couldn't just have beer sent from there? we have beer from Milwaukee here in the pac northwest!! CRAPPY BEER!! why can't they have beer from like ONE state over!??!?!?! what the fuck is their problem!? Another thing about chicago, here's the way i view that city...it's the beacon of hope for the midwest. everyone who's stuck in the hell hole that is the midwest looks to chicago as a beacon oh hope that they might be able to leave someday. the only thing is that this MAJOR city just sucks people in. it's a good city for the midwest because all the semi-smart people who want to leave go there, they just fucking STAY! Let's just list the bad things that are in the midwest. snakes, never good. no good beer, just beer that sucks and makes you fat and gross and ultra-right wing. ok...TORNADOS and FLOODS that kill a lot of people all the time...yeah I'd love to live there...sounds great. yeah, there's a bunch of bigots and racists and homophobes and right wing assholes who keep voting bad people into office for bad reasons. two words one person, one show that sums up middle america...Jerry (say it with me now) Springer! i know i sound like a bad person and i know it's mostly because of the poverty level of the midwest, but education is NOT that great in the midwest and if you started on both sides of the US, you'd find that as you moved inwards at the same time on both sides the education level of the population would decrease. the middle and the south are just not cool, i know i'm a lucky person for growing up in such a great place and i've gone to college and i'm a very lucky little bitch for that. but, that doesn't stop the fact that the highest concentration of undereducated people reside in the midwest and south.
ok, i'm done with that. i'm sorry. i don't usually go off like that, but i could NEVER imagine living in the midwest. i'd go insane. i need to be near a coast at all times. anyways...moving on.
i'm home. i have a TON of shit due this week, but i'm taking tonight off to drink GOOD beer and get in touch with everyone, POST, and listen to music. goodtimes. So, HEW, Schwee, bobanna(if you're still there), Scout I'm sorry that i've been so bad, but i'm home now and i'll be here for a while! i MIGHT even be up in seattle next week to help out the brother and sister in-law paint a house. we COULD plan something, if Schwee isn't too busy with uw shit! i'm kinda wanting to hit the sloop again and do some more singing!! what do ya say?
k, i'm gonna cut my ass off for the night. i probably pissed a lot of people off with my own little rant. i very seldom rant like that, but i just had the urge...sorry again.
OH, if none of you have seen Napoleon Dynamite, GO FUCKING SEE IT. it's fucking brilliant! we'll all go see it this weekend if you all want I LOVE this movie!
Right, till next time...
-rock steady