aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Thursday, December 30, 2004

weatherboy's HUGE plans...

prepairing to go out and play ultimate frisbee with some cohort members.
Apre' C,a:
probably heading on up to seattle to make holiday traffic a non-issue.
-drinking shall commence sometime after noon (or whenever...)
-dinner prep shall commence sometime around 3:30-5:00-ish
-7:40pm(or so) me, HEW, and perhaps BlackMamba will head over to Club Neumos (located at 925 E. Pike ST. on cap. hill) to see The Melvins and Jello Biafra (of The Dead Kennedy's fame), along with three other bands, bring in the new year!
After the Show:
The night belongs to the City.
-several options are open
1. Going to Beths and getting some food
2. Going bowling in ballard
3. Just going out and dancing if our happy asses feel like it!

The night is open to the public and it would be great if anyone else wants to participate in the events! The invitation is open to all! NO STRESS is the focus of the night. Other than going to the show, the night shall be felt out as we progress through it. nothing, save the show, is set in stone. if anyone wants to attend the show with us the ticketswest website is: (catchy isn't it?) the show is at The Neumos in Seattle and the tickets are $16 plus the usual lame-ass fees. I think tickets will be available at the door, but i'm not sure. it'll be a great show though, the acts performing are pretty good and the Melvins and Jello Biafra are legends in their own right.

anyways, there's the plan. as i said, all are welcome to come along. those who don't will be missed, those who can't will be thought of the whole time, i really wish a certain punk rock girl was here so she could come along-she really got me more into this indie-punk phase i'm in.

much love goes out to all and if i don't hear from you...

Happy New Years!


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

abandon ship...

man overboard...

well, schwee is already out for new years. and there's no way for me to leave a message on her post cause she disabled my ability to do that! i hate having a separate web journal host! anyways...

i didn't get ahold of anyone yesterday. i know i'm a bad person. HOWEVER, i still think we need to cement some plans! i've heard of a party being planned, but i need more details. i will not waste this new years!!!

k, with that said i'm gonna go and get my day started.

post, call, email, whatever...just get in touch with me...


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

back from the last frontier...

alaska...the dream belongs to you...

so glad that i went to alaska! it was beautiful. she was beautiful. christmas with a really warm family was beautiful. i got totally spoiled by jen's fam. now i'm back in oly and home alone. goodtimes. sucks to be with the one you love and then have to fly away and be alone in a house. now, it's nice to have alone time. i understand that now, i probably should respect other people's alone time more. hmm...

so, what's the haps on the NEW YEARS EVENTS!!!! i'm back! it's time to plan! i'll give everyone a call here sometime today to see what's going on! schwee actually got ahold of me and we decided to plan something...not sure what yet. bobanna left me a message as much to do!!! mission for the day is to cement at least a tenative plan!

ok, here's something to think about. i just got back from alaska. alaska isn't even connected to the united states directly. yet, somehow, they manage to have a GREAT beer selection, all the really great pacific northwest beers are there! what was in the fridge at jen's house for christmas beers? well, the standard Alaskan Amber (wonderful) AND, Jubelale from the Dechutes Brewery in Oregon(FANTASTIC)! HOW can alaska, that is so far removed from the rest of the country, manage to have a great beer selection while a MAJOR US CITY like...i don't know...CHICAGO! can only offer up sam adams crappy beer? why? alaska might be behind the rest of the world when it comes to movies and liberal thinking (besides legalizing pot), but it puts pretty much all of middle america to shame in its taste in good beers. (I tried some other alaskan micro's while i was there and they were fantastic! OH, and i tried these beers in KENAI of all places! Even po'dunk kenai, alaska cares enough to have LOCAL micro's shipped in from anchorage, homer, or other random locals.) all to more reason to stay out of "the middle".


call. we need to plan.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

merry chrismachanniqwanzika to you...

a helpful hint to everyone out there...

don't order stuff online for christmas. i thought i'd be all good and stuff and order a lot of the gifts for my family and friends online. nothing but a hassle. backorders, late shipping, taking FOREVER to process an order, ups doesn't deliver on's just not worth it. too much work and it takes too long to get ANYTHING done. maybe some of you have had good experiences with ordering stuff online for different occasions, hell, i have have too, but this christmas...ordering online has done nothing but disappoint. bad times...

well, jen left for AK this morning/last night. and i'll be following her up tomorrow evening. which means one thing...

guess who will be in Seattle tonight?

that's right. for one night only the josh show will be back in the emerald city, the scene of so many crimes. i'll be there, but i will be without a car. i most likely can meet people downtown though, as i'll be attending a family get-together down somewhere around there. anyways, i know this is kind of last minute, but we should ALL try to get together TONIGHT, as one last meeting to, if nothing else, try to plan something for NEW YEARS!! WOO!!!!

so everyone, give me a call, cause tomorrow...i'm outta here!

I don't know if i'll be updating my post again before x-mas, so let me just say that i hope that everyone who reads this gets everything they want for christmas. i hope everyone who reads this is happy this christmas. i hope that everyone has a great time while i'm gone. and i hope that we can all get together before another year arrives!

Merry Christmas everyone...

me love you long time.


Monday, December 13, 2004

jamming in the basement...

after the killers kicked my ass...

wow. that's all that could be said about thursday night's deck the hall ball. we only got to see 5 out of the 6 bands (thanks for the ultra-fast set there snow patrol!), but oh my god, they were all SO AWESOME! i'm so glad that HEW and i got seats where we did, cause we had a great vantage of the stage and all of the bands and the stuff that went on backstage. it was a great show. keane came out and rocked harder than most bands do...and they have no guitars to speak of. that guy on the piano was all over the place, just goes to show that kurt was right, it doesn't matter what you use-use your guitar to hit the drums, just play something, mean it, and you're the star. (i'm paraphrasing of course) anyways, two scoops of thanks go out to HEW for making deck the hall my christmas present. don't know how to counter that

i had class the very next day. it was my last day with my 8th graders. it was so sad. i liked these kids. i kind of wish that i could have done my student teaching there, but i went and visited my fifth graders today to let them know that i'd be coming back, and they were so happy. it's nice to be wanted. so, anyways, i had class the next day and i brought the 10 1/2 dozen cookies i made to share with the kids. they loved them and we had a great final day. the kids organized and bought me a startbucks travel mug and a $20 gift certificate for coffee there, i guess i need to actually dedicate myself to coffee drinking once and for all. i brought my guitar in to school and i got to play a few songs for 4th and 5th periods. it was great, they told me that they wish they had bought me recording studio time. they also told me to try out for american idol. umm, no. it was sweet of them to say so, but american idol isn't my thing. i love to sing and all, but american idol isn't my style at all. all the different periods also got together and gave me a huge card that everyone signed, it was really nice of them. i was sad to leave them. and now we move on...

after my 4 hour seminar on my student teaching that i will do starting in january, i headed on back to oly where i was invited to hang out with jeremy from my cohort. his wife was out of town (two weeks in a row, hanging out with a guy who's wife is out of town...strange), so it was guys night were we just chilled and cooked some dinner and watch a local trivia show on public access called "Trivia King". it's a call-in show where these two guys from olympia high school (total nerds-but funny cause they're so nerdy!) ask questions and you call in to answer them and if you get the answer right you get to tell them what your team name is and you compete for "Trivia King" for the night! perfect game show for drunk people on a friday evening! it was so funny watching this show you don't understand! we never made it on, but we will next week! There's also a show on directly after that that must be addressed.

it's a dance show! there's this performance space in downtown oly where people can come in and dance for free to really strange music and they get put on tv. it's awesome! i still don't quite understand it, but it's so random and cool. everyone MUST come down and be on this show with me. we'll all meet at a bar before the show and when it's time we'll head on over and dance! i'll record the show and we'll all come home afterwards and watch it! the best part is it's all LIVE! anything can happen! WOO!! we MUST do this. get back to me on it.

after the shows were over we decided to move to a friend of jeremy's house to play cards. I SUCK at cards. it was texas hold 'em and i was out first. HOWEVER, one thing i have not mentioned is that this house has the basement of my dreams! it's basically a really cool recording studio. there's a really great drum set and mics and amps and distortion pedals and guitars and bases lying around everywhere! i went downstairs and the guy who owns the house came down and started taking off all of the covers on the instruments and told me to have at it! i was in heaven. i picked a really nice gibson guitar and started just messing around. after a while another guy named eric (another friend of jeremy's) came down and got behind the drums and we just jammed for like a half an hour. it was such a great half an hour though. i've never actually jammed before, but it was awesome! neither of us was the best at our chosen instrument, but we really sounded good! man i want to start a band.

so yeah, saturday i went to football practice and sunday was pretty uneventful. today is monday and i've already taken a test, written a rough draft for a major paper and begun work on my health/fitness final. i'm gonna call it a day here soon and get a good night's sleep. i'm so glad that i don't have class tomorrow! yeah, nothing like sleeping in on days when everyone else has to get up and work! HA! just kidding, i'll get up too. i have to finish a bunch of stuff before i take off to AK, finals and papers to fix.

well, take it easy everyone. don't work too hard this week. remember, christmas is coming and we can all relax a little bit here soon!

love you and miss you all long time!


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

one more thought...

i kind of miss undergrad...

i have great memories of western. everyone i knew and hung out with was in a concentrated area and i could always get a hold of everyone. i had friends at western and friends at the U. i do still have friends at the U, but my ties to western are no longer there. i just have some pictures. and to be fair, i wouldn't have those pictures if HEW hadn't taken them in my last quarter of school. that was really a great quarter. i had NO worries. other than my thesis. i had a radio show, i worked as a greencoat and found out how to break into every building at western. i took a poetry class at the most hippie college in all of washington (yes, more hippie than evergreen-evergreen people are hippie posers if you ask me) for credit to get out of college. i partied, both in seattle and in b-ham. i really had a great time that i will remember for the rest of my life. i miss the people, i miss the times, i miss the sorority dances, i miss making "FRENCH FRIES!!", i miss having three refridgerators (two for beer), i miss cooking dinner and watching HORRIBLE reality tv, i miss that shitty 20 minute walk to campus, i miss only having class on two days of the week, i miss watching the m's lose at the quarterback, i think we all miss the brown beaver, i miss randomly going out to throw the football around, i miss running to pizza hut, i miss going to The Jade Dragon and me only ordering the grilled cheeze and some fries, i miss the wooden arms of the couches that i could pound on to get a point across, i miss the appartment, and i miss hanging out all the time...


i know i'll have a list similar to that for this year. in fact, if i don't remember, someone write a post reminding me to do an end of the year "i'll remember" post for the end of 2004. it's been a great year, but it's had it's ups and down. i know i'll miss be a grad-student when it's all over. but, let's not get even more nostalgic just yet...;)

all your base are belong to me...


screw you guys...

i'll go by myself...

i've been posting about going to the deck the hall ball for a long time. no takers. none. so, fine. i won't miss this show. i will go by myself. no worries. we all have shit going on, so i understand why people didn't get back to me, or gave me reasons why they can't. i got nothin' but love for all of ya'.

anyways, i'm just taking a moment, that i don't really have, to update this lj thing. i've been running all over the place. i had a huge meeting today that decided if i passed my latest internship. i did, thank god. my cooperating teacher is really cool, and my field advisor is also really cool. i really lucked out. both of the ladies i worked with this time were really nice and they both seemed to like me. not everyone in my cohort got the same luck as i did. everyone in my cohort will probably be GREAT teachers, but some of them got field advisors or cooperating teachers that suck. i really feel bad for them. i hope it doesn't hurt their chances to be teachers.

needless to say though, after my great experience, i'll be sad to leave the kids i'm working with now. HOWEVER, i'm really excited in the fact that i get to go back and work with my fifth graders again. i miss them! i got really lucky when i got the class that i asked for for my student teaching. so, i'm feeling pretty good right now.

k, so, i know this is a little premature...but, if i stick with this football thing (and i'm planning to) our first game will be march 19th. if i play in that game i would really LOVE for anyone who reads this to come and watch! it'd be awesome to have fans! we have a great mascot! it's the shocker (the team is called the south sound shockers)! check it out,, that's the team! if any of you know about "the shocker" that's also our unoffical mascot/team symbol. childish, yes, lame, yes...also kind of funny...

yep, so there's an update. not much of one. i've got a few things i'm saving up for when i have a bit of time to dedicate to more thoughtful posts...

so, till next time...

me love you all long time...


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

from the house on stibgen road...

here's your update...

OK, christmas this year will be spent in AK. i leave on the 19th, unless i get a later flight...but, we'll see. i'll be back the 27th. plans for new years eve should be made in advance...(not like i'm booked or anything)

right, so this week has been crazy. i've had TONS of shit due and i still have a formal observation and a presentation to give! BOTH on friday! bad times, but a little less stressful than the last few weeks...finally.

so, i had a MAJOR paper due today and a final for a class all at once. after the test (that was total horse-shit, way too much) was over and the papers all handed in, a bunch of my cohort people and i went to Mickey O'Reily's (right next door to city u) and started drinking. it was great! there had to be like 12 of us there! all at one table and we drank and talked shit about the other cohorts and how they all hate us. goodtimes. BUT, what does my dumb ass do? i carpool and i didn't drink and drive (cause i wasn't driving today!) but i did go and leave my coat at the bar! what was in my coat? MY KEYS! when did i realize that i left it there? BY THE TIME I GOT BACK TO OLYMPIA! DAMN. jeremy was cool enough to give me a ride back to my casa, and i met my mom there and we went and got my car. i called one of the girls in the cohort with jeremy's phone she lives in oly and was still there and asked her if she would bring my coat with her when she comes home tonight. i'll get it from her tomorrow. damn though. i hate it when i do stupid things like that.

so, yeah. i'm probably doing another oly weekend this week. i need to save some money. i'd still like to go to Deck the Hall Ball. if anyone wants to marathon it with me let me know. it'd make for a long night for me, but i'd have gone to a great that would be sad to miss.

right, i'm done. no exciting shit going on. i get to go home to ak, i'm excited about that. i haven't been there since 01. too long.

well, hope everyone is doin' alright. i have a phone you know, i can be called. of course, i could call all of you as well...and i well should...


i leave you as always,

bursting with fruit flavor,
