aimless meanderings of a simple mind

for description of of title...see title...

Location: olympia, washington, United States

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

the weekend starts today...!

Yep, my last class is today, one final and then i'm out the door! I have one other class that i have to do a take home final for, but I'll get that done tomorrow or something!
so yeah, after the final today the entire cohort(i think)will be going up to chevys' near the tacoma mall for food, drinks and discussion of white brotherhood...:) sorry, couldn't resist... how drunk will i get? not too sure yet, we'll have to wait and see. it's gonna be a good time though.

this weekend seems like it'll be interesting, but IT STILL NEEDS TO BE PLANNED A LITTLE BIT MORE! i have no idea, really, what is going on. i had one plan but there are about 5 others thrown in there for good measure and a little insanity. so, shwee we need to touch bases again and see what the crap we can throw togther for this weekend! I will NOT waste this weekend!

Anyways, bobanna, i know you have tons of crap you have to do, just pencil us in somewhere! we're flexible...very flexible...:) (god, what's wrong with me...?)

K. off to my final!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Weatherboy sucks...

I'm sorry about throwing the strike threat around. i don't mean to piss anyone off! i'm just being a trifflin' little bitch, for fun. i upset bobanna and that upsets me more than anything. i'm sorry your life is so stressed right now, and you need to know that if you ever need to talk about anything, i'm right know how to get ahold of me. you've said in the past that you keep things bottled up...don't. what happens when the bottle breaks? whatever you are going through, and i can pretty much guarantee that i've been through the same...or worse, or i know 20 other people that i helped through similar situations. just in case, i'm here.

So, other than clearing up that. Not much else is going on here. it's 12:14am and i'm finally done with my mathematics class unit lesson! WOO HOO!!! all i have now are 4 finals! two of them takehome! good stuff, the stress of this first quarter is waning. thank god!

Anyways, i'm SO GLAD that Shwee is back in town again! GOD, i missed that kid! It looks like this 4th of july weekend might shape up to be quite interesting! i might even get to reconnect with two old friends, bob-check and CLEM(spelled incorrectly on purpose). we shall definitely see.

Bobanna i will be up that way soon and we ALL need to get together! let me know what's going on with you and we'll coordinate something that works for everyone! NO ONE gets left of out of this!

Cause i miss you guys!!!

Keep posting whenever you get a chance!

And I'll behave myself from now on!

Love you all long time!


Monday, June 28, 2004


too many posts have gone by. i'm a whiny bitch, but i'll have to do it again...

sorry HEW, you know this isn't about you, between last nights' post and the fruitless checking of the posts of others i'm gonna do it.

S-T-R-I-K-E! (until things get back to normal...whatever that is)


Sunday, June 27, 2004

scratch that...

holy shit. i just found out that one of the most influential people of my high school career died last week. none of you guys knew him, but he was one of the finest human beings i've ever known. a good friend, amazing athlete, and wonderful person. he was one of the "cool" seniors, he never looked down on anybody, he overcame adversity and did some amazing things despite all of his trials. my heart is really heavy right now. he was only 27 years old. this guy was a role model to me in several respects. his kind nature, impeccable work ethic and overall good nature made him by far one of the best people that ever came out of that shithole town.

My heart goes out to Lukas Spruills' family, they were all good people and friends of mine. Luke will be missed so much that it is breaking my heart to write this right now...

I can't believe this happened.

Lukas Spruill:
-two time state state wrestling champion, involved in one of the greatest comebacks of all time, in my opinion.
-wrestled for the Iowa hawkish under the greatest wrestling coach who ever lived...he followed his dreams...

R.I.P. Luke, I'll never forget you...

Another weekend come and gone...

don't worry, i'm not feeling a sense of loss about the weekend being over. in all honestly i'm feeling like i haven't felt in years, like there's so much going on that i'm just regressing...but not in a bad way. i'm feeling more hopeful and optimistic than i have for a while not just about life right now, but life in the future...the weird part is that i have NO IDEA what's in store, but i'm getting more and more excited for it. it's my life and i'm gonna make it count...

anyways, aside from HEW, everybody is doing a REALLY bad job of keeping up with their journals. i almost went on strike earlier today, but i relented...but the threat is there to all of you! Shwee, no more excuses! you're home now! i need to give your ass a call! too long girl, too long... bobanna...what the shit? you have excuse for you either...

SO,all i can really say right now is:


Oh, and go see fahrenheit 9/11, it's really amazing...


Friday, June 25, 2004

Somedays the sun wakes up to greet you...

it's always nice to wake up and see the sun already in the sky, doin' its thing. it fills me with that wonderful optimism that has eluded me for the past little while. today i'd like to forget about my stresses and just relax, but i have to go to school first. i have a 5 hour class to sit through today! ugh... and, of course, it's gonna be right in the middle of the day, taking up my wonderful afternoon. such a bummer. oh well...

MAYBE when i come home people will have posted and I'll know what's going on in everybody's life. either that, or i'll give you all a call later...

hope i don't "distract" anyone!


Thursday, June 24, 2004

tired and beaten...

the week's almost over...

thank god.

not much to report. i did very little today, i got a huge paper done, don't know how well...but it's done. other than that i haven't done much.

i miss jen, i really miss her. i miss all my friends too, what's going on for you guys friday night? anyone else wanna hit the spar?

yeah, so i'm out, sorry this post is a little lame, i'll give you all a call tomorrow and i'll be in better spirits i'm sure.

so i'll go ahead and wrap-it-up.



Wednesday, June 23, 2004

a word on music...

i usually don't talk about issues discussed on the radio, but today i got really worked up about tom lykis' subject of alternative music. today a major thing happened in the music world, lalapaloosa was cancelled due to poor ticket sales. ok, so lykis says that the reason this happened is because, well, the bands on the ticket were old and outdated, that alternative music is dead. he commented that 'the end' and 'k-rock' here in seattle are both playing the same music (which, to some extent, they are) and the music is tired and old. he also said something about how these stations were playing 90's oldies in a sense. ok, fine. he also mentioned that these stations aren't eating up the ratings. SO, as i sit here listening to the end (they're playing the latest KICK ASS single by modest mouse, float on) i will have to go ahead and disagree with mr. lykis. some of his callers got it right when they called in to comment, the MAIN reason people are not buying tickets as much this summer for ALL OF THE TOURS GOING ON is that prices are so GOD DAMN HIGH! We don't want to pay over $50 for an afternoon of music where we won't be able to see the band and most likely will have to stand outside on the grass! FUCK THAT! now, i love the idea of lalapaloosa, alternative music from all sorts of genres and a mellow meeting of people. cool environment. goodtimes. I have one word for anyone who doesn't believe my idea of people not wanting to pay for these shows...does ANYONE ELSE remember woodstock 99? yeah, the riots and burning of buildings and the rapes?(thank you very much fred durst, you fuck) people were fed up with the overpricing of EVERYTHING! want some water?-8 bucks please. and it's really only gotten worse since then. it costs WAY too much to go to concerts in general anymore!

Another thing that pissed me off is that a lot of self-proclaimed "musicians" called in and said that music today sucks...ok i'm not gonna totally disagree with that, but these guys were asked for examples and they were giving off names of bands that were actually good. fuck that! i hate ignorant people, go listen to limp bizkit and shut the fuck up. thankfully tom seemed to calm down about bashing the music of the 90's and of now and he just let the people call in and act stupid. he did say that he listens to the end when he's in seattle, so he must not be too opposed to the music they play. and an important thing to note is that the end DOES still play new music, case in point:i'm listening to the BRAND FUCKING NEW song by the pixies, the end premiered this song this monday and it's already on the top 10 count down! it's cool, i like it a lot! These bands are not out of date, they're just coming back around.

And here's a thought, does anybody remember the music of the mid-eighties? a bunch of random shit going on, nobody was really standing out much, there were some good bands, but we were still waiting around for the next big thing...the hair bands came in at the end of the eighties, but they were just a thing to keep us entertained. along comes the musical revolution of the 90's, cool. well, does anyone else see where i'm going with this? we're just in that lull period. no one is coming out and redefining what music will push us for the next decade. i think it might come from an unexpected source, who knows? rock is unpredictable, grunge is long gone, alternative music is just redefining itself, indie bands like modest mouse, death cab for cutie, and the yeah, yeah, yeahs are coming into the limelight more than ever cause we're ALL looking for that next big thing! it'll come sooner or later, or maybe we won't even notice when it comes...who knows?

Another thing lykis said is that no one wants to go to these concerts like lalapaloosa...ok, bullshit! I would LOVE to go to lalapaloosa, but i neither have the time nor money to go! THAT is the issue, the people who love this kind of music are now the people who work the jobs that keep them busy all the time, we aren't college kids and teenagers anymore, so the only people who really go to these concerts are the asshole college guys who just want to mosh and act like dicks and pick up on ANY form of vagina in the vicinity. these are the same motherfuckers who burned down the last woodstock, notice how woodstock '96 went just fine, wonder why? two guesses, the first one doesn't count.

I'm gonna try to go to bumbershoot and catch the pixies, i'm gonna keep loving seattle and its music. Cause, guess what? in the 80's, the music scene didn't seem all that great, but there were little bands like mudhoney, the green river band, soundgarden, mother love bone, tad, and others like a little band called nirvana(yeah, they were around in the 80's) who were around, but not really know what they did? they kept fucking playing and look what came out of our little corner of the world...i think that seattle has just gone under the radar again, it'll emerge again just like it's done like the sign in front of the last 'chubby and tubby' store says:"thanks seattle, stay tuned" so, that's my plan.

Well, this week is nigh on to over. I'm almost done with my first quarter of grad school. i'm glad. I've already got one of my final grades back from one of my classes, the damage? 3.9. Not too shabby. lets just hope that's a good sign for things to come. this quarter has gone by suprizingly fast, so this year is likely to do the same, i can't wait to get out there and start working! but, i'll have to. lets just worry about getting this quarter done first, i still have a few things to do...

Anyways, i miss jen, i miss talking to shwee, i miss hanging out with bobanna, and i saw HEW last weekend, but i still think we all need to get together soon. what's everybody doing friday? i need to have friday to relax before i start sweating about finals on saturday and sunday!

k, well this should be a nice long post for all of you. You guys need to get back to the posting! Shwee has been out of commission for some time! she's out of town though, so she's excused. the rest of us have no excuse!

so, until next time:

...stay tuned...


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

what? like fucking? (you gotta love people who ask about whatever they're curious about)

long weekend...long post?

Well HEW covered friday night pretty well. he left out the fact that we called bobanna on our way home though i think...yeah. that was funny. then we went over to the playground and played on all of the toys and made a lot of ruckus then went home to sleep. friday was a great night and i finally got to prove that oly has a nightlife. in fact, i fully intended to recruit my brother and his wife to come out again on saturday. but, that did not happen. no, we just sat around played games, smoked some cigars, and lit a few fireworks. goodtimes...

Sunday wasn't all that great, i went to my annual family reunion-fun but time consuming. my brother and i were the only ones who actually went for a swim in the lake, it's a lake so i guess i understand why. i also got some good canoeing in. while all of that was going on, i was missing out on valuable study time. it didn't get any better as my brother and wife stayed yet another night and i couldn't get a damn thing done ALL WEEKEND. this week is already shaping up to be pretty crappy, it would have been nice to have some of my shit already taken care of over the weekend. next weekend is WORK weekend, no question. i MIGHT go out on friday, but saturday and DEFIANTLY sunday are days of work for weatherboy.

Well, let's see, life is hard...and so am'd better give me something, so i don't die...(eels)

about a week left in my first quarter and i think i just might make it out alive. we'll see. i don't want to make any predictions.

umm, i guess i'm not in a storytelling mood. i miss jen and i haven't heard from her in a long time, she's in england now, and still to far away.

the woodster is doing well too, he loves having friends to play with and he has fast become a contender for "favorite dog". I can't believe that 'J-Mitro' doesn't like woody at all! How mean! Even the 'little-bell' likes woody (mildly)! Mean, mean... what happened?

Yeah, so i say again that it's been too long since we've all been together! Even if we can't organize something for the 4th we need to organize SOMETHING!!! come on you guys! we need a night out, maybe downtown seattle for a night(an entire night), or oly, or karaoke, or bowling(again, all night), or something. we need to communicate!

So, lets pull together!

k, well this was a mildly long post, not bad after my brief hiatus...

i'll be checkin' ya'll trifflin' bitches later...(cause i'm smooth like that)



Friday, June 18, 2004

screw you hippie!!!

yay! brunch!! woo.

Anyways, HEW should be on his way down right now. goodtimes...

i've been drinking and laying out in the sun. TOO much sun for such a white boy. i'm a little red now. oh well...i'm still kinda drunk and happy.

So, work on the 4th...everybody! i invited EVERYONE down today, but NO! no, let's go do laundry and stuff! WOO! fun shit. i'm just messin around. get that shit done, and most importantly, play with your dog!! It really is good for the soul and stuff! I love my dogs here! it would be so boring without them!

Right, so i'm gonna go eat and take a nap and wait for HEW...

We're still open for people who want to come down and join us!!!

or maybe tonight just calls for more drunk dialing... :)


weatherboy ciders and ales...

someday...someday i'll start my little brewery and life will be good. good like it is right here, right now. i'm listening to bj shea, and random music at intervals, sitting here drinking perseus porter from the elysian brewery (HEW, i'm still not convinced it's really that good.), I'm just enjoying this beautiful day, and in a minute i'm gonna take my beer (and my cider when i'm done with my beer) and i'm gonna relax in my kiddy-pool that i set up in the back yard. goodtimes...

I turned in that motherfucker of a project(my internship journal) right when i got to school this morning. i'm so glad to be rid of it. my teacher for this class finally told us what she wanted for our projects that are due next week. SO, everything is clear sailing from here on out...i just need to get the work done.

but, not today. no. today is for relaxing, drinking, hanging with friends? if anybody gets bored, they're welcome down here, big back yard and a mellow place to hang and get drunk. we could even go buy some fireworks! we could go out tonight too, i've already said that oly has it's interesting points at night. HEW, you should drive your ass down here right when you get off work, we'll get you some alcohol and cook you up some sunstroke thanks to all this nice weather!

K, well bobanna i expected you to write again at work! you've surpassed you normal time when you write, and if you don't write then who knows when you will!!!

Shwee, post again and give me a call!

HEW, get your ass down here!

Jen...I miss you.


Don't go breaking my heart...

stop bobanna...just stop...i can't take much more. possibly no 4th, and you JUST DON'T LIKE the smashing pumpkins(no wodger, no wodgerwick?) i think i get it now. killing me. killing me bobanna, oh well, we'll always have abba...

Ok, HEW, SHIT dude, i didn't know that melissa was having THAT big of problems! I'm sorry. I'll see what I can do about the drunken-ness, till then i'll give you a call after work. hang in there...

Shwee...uh, come home. i had something important to ask you, but i forgot...oh yeah, what about the 4th for you? just wanting to know...

k, i have to run to class now, i'll try to post again later! tried to post yesterday but the site was having problems! mother fuckers.

till then...

"turn them shits up!"


Thursday, June 17, 2004


if any of you have the smashing pumpkins 'siamese dream' album, listen to mayonaise today, it's a perfect song for this weather. In fact, the album is a perfect album for this could find this album for like $5 at a used store on the ave, it's worth it! I think everybody could find a part of the album that they really love...mayonaise is obviously my fav...

I'm feeling really inspired today! What a beautiful day...


"i just want to be me...when i can, i will."-god i love this song!

have a kick-ass day everyone! be the super you today! don't take no for an answer!


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

i'm your boogie man...

that's what i am.

I taught a lesson today for my curriculum class and I set the cohort on fire. I waited and took the final spot in my group to do my presentation. When we got done with the others, i had the class clear out the desks and chairs and turned on the disco. that's right. i taught my group 'the bus stop'. who says i didn't learn anything useful in college? Everybody had a great time, the other groups came in to watch and my "class" performed wonderfully, they caught on to the dance faster than i did when i first learned! it was great, that was on everybody's minds for the rest of the time in class. a few people decided, after the lesson, that they would come out dancing next time greener and i organized a class outing. goodtimes...i tell ya. i'm having a good time here, i didn't really expect that.

SO, things are good with me and it sounds that things are going well for all the rest of my friends as well! bobanna is settling in nicely, shwee continues to hang out with scout and see new places in the best city ever, and HEW is on the trail of a good job doing less and getting paid better...yes it looks like things are going well for our little group. i'm so proud of us! i agree with bobanna, we need to all hang right now! as long as bobanna isn't "distracted"...that's too funny that you put it that way! gotta love it!

Anyways, NO WORD BACK FROM ANYBODY ABOUT THE 4TH OF JULY YET! fine, spend it with your families...see if i care! seriously, it would be cool to hang out for that weekend though.

let's see...i've finished one of the many papers that i have to do. this one was due tomorrow, so it's good that i got it done! one less thing, i guess.

i'm sitting here listening to the smashing pumpkins...shwee you and i had a conversation about how weird it is that bobanna doesn't like them. that just came back to me just now. what's that about bobanna? where were you during the 90's? you like extreme, but not the pumpkins? have you heard all of their stuff? it really is good. madame bunwell loves them! so, does mr. bunwell! not like that means you have to.

I guess it's just that their music played such a huge part in my life from about 14 to...well even now to some extent. i keep finding songs that are great to go back to. you should give them another try at some point, you never know! it's not salsa music, but it's still good!

now, this weekend i think it's on me and greener to organize yet another cohort outing, let me put this out there once again...Everyone is invited! If you can come down and hang, do! It's a good time down here, as long as you know where to go and what to do, and i do now! So, if you're (any, and/or all of you)not doing anything come on down! you'll have fun, i just know it!

With that said i'm gonna send this one out into cyberspace and wait until one of you post again. you've ALL been so much better! Bobanna you need to elaborate on you job situation! you told us to ask!

Take care all! I'm in kind of withdrawal, it's been a while since i've seen all of you! we need to remedy this!

so now it's time for me to:

-ROCKSTEADY(little sidenote, when HEW, aussie, and i went to see sleater-kinney at western, janet, the drummer, wrote that as a part of her signature on HEW's album cover, that's where i get my sign-off, I also used that as my offical sign-off when i had my radio shows...just a little fyi)


Tuesday, June 15, 2004


OK, strike over. I'm really sorry that i did that, looking back on my time on the picket line i have a few regrets...mostly the time i lost with the people i care about. HOWEVER, i now know that i have the power and endurance to strike whenever i feel oppressed by a world that doesn't seem to care whether or not i know what's going on.

with that said, here I am in the midst of that "hell week" i've spoken of in some of my posts from earlier this week. this week is rather stressful and i'm worried that instead of getting all the shit i'm worried about done, i'm just gonna shut down. nah, i'll be fine i'm sure. keep an eye on me though you guys...don't let me lose my mind.

So, i'm glad that you've settled into your new place bobanna. i need to know more about where exactly you're at. you gotta love the shared kitchen and stuff though!! Too funny, but hey, at least you can have alcohol there right? goodtimes...

Shwee, missed you girl! i'm glad that you sucked up the loss of your first post and at least gave us an outline of the original! I would have been too pissed! At any rate, when you get a chance elaborate on your notes so we get a better view of what you've been up to! OH, and say hi to scout for me if you think of it! We all need to get together again soon, the whole family!

Which brings me, once again, to the 4th! what's everybody doing???? avoiding the question? HEW and i have some good plans that could make for a great weekend! here's some teasers:Beer, hard-a, explosives, golf?(driving range within a mile or two), dogs!, wine, we'll use the grill if that sounds good, and of anyone? that's right i said lawn-darts. i know what you're thinking..."they stopped making those didn't they?" well, yes they did, but my family managed to hold on to a set! gigity, gigity, gigity, goo!!

Right, so everybody think about their schedule, the house is big and we can hold a lot of people down here. A fenced back yard where minors can be just like the rest of us 21+er's well out of sight.

k, enough of that. so, i'm going to go and get some real sleep tonight. i was stupid and went to red robin to study last night. NOW, my intention was to study. AND i did for a suprizing amount of time! I actually got a lot done. then, i switched from pints of alaskan amber to from like 20oz to about 44oz. three pints and two stiens later i wasn't much of a studying bitch anymore. by then i had already started calling everyone. yes, i drunk dialed. sorry guys. i hope that i didn't bother anybody. bobanna and shwee it was just good getting ahold of you two finally! again, sorry about missing graduation bobanna! I'm so nostalgic that i keep kicking myself for missing out on something so nostalgia-ridden like that! damn. anyways, yes there shall be many more parties...many, many...

well you guys really jumped and got your shit together fast and got with the postings! sorry that you have dial-up bobanna, i have it too. sucks, i know, but at least you have internet that's good. NOW, everybody...keep posting! i like reading posts! i have no life i rely on the rest of you for inspiration that life exists outside of grad school. which i seem to be doing well in by the way...i got two midterms back today and i got 9/10 on each of them. that's good i guess. let's just pray that that's where i stay!!!

SO, yeah...keep posting...uh, and, uhhh...yeah.

"sorry fella's, but the only tent i plan on pitching this weekend is...uh, well you see where i'm goin' with this..."


take care all!


Monday, June 14, 2004

that's it...

I didn't want to do it, but i can't take this shit no more...




Sunday, June 13, 2004

from one weird weekend to another...

At least i got some studying done today. I went out with my cohortians again on friday. This time it was just greener and her husband. We all talked for a long time and i found out that i don't think i like Olympia as much as i thought. People here are dicks kinda. They take the music scene here WAY too personally. There are bands that you just can't talk about in certain places, cause people in the bars know the members of the bands. i didn't know oly was that much of a popular random band hang out town, but it is. greener herself personally knows the girls of sleater-kinney, but wouldn't talk about them at the bars. evidently people get really uptight if you say anything negative about bands they are associated with, even though i was NOT going to say anything bad about my girls from sleater-kinney. evidently, HEW, we were right about the short-haired ugly one, she's a bitch. Janet and Corin are cool i guess, corin used to be cooler from what greener said. greener was in one of their videos off the album 'the hot rock'. I don't know that whole night made me think that i'm kinda done with my adoration of indie music. who the fuck do these assholes think they are? It seems to me that they treat their fans like shit, unless they approve of how their fans are when they see them. These "indie" musicians should kiss the asses of the people who listen to their music, cause no matter how much ANY musician says that they play only for themselves and to get a message across...they STILL LOVE THE FACT THAT PEOPLE WORSHIP AND LOVE THEM. I'm not a lover or a woshiper. I'm done, yeah i think i'm really done. If i hear music and i like it, i'll like it and give two shits whether or not they're cool or if they're indie or whatever...cause fuck 'em. It's about the music, sure, but it's also about the fans. i'm not happy with Olympia right now. that was my friday night...i haven't given up on the city of just needs a kick in it's "i'm cool cause i'm indie" ass.

Oh yeah, evidently Portland is the cool city now. the "good bands" all moved down there from oly and the nightlife is supposed to be better there and stuff. I spent my ENTIRE adolescence loving seattle. Watching it become this musical beacon that the world looked to in the 90's. Now people are telling me that PORTLAND is the new musical landmark of the pac-nw? I can't handle that. I will NEVER give up on seattle. so that was another thing that bugged me about this weekend. people are so quick to look to the "new and better" but then they don't realize that the grass really doesn't grow any greener on the 'other side'. I don't know. I'm a little irritated.

So, my car is dead again. It's in the shop, again. I want to fucking kill my car. Bobanna, that's the reason that i didn't hustle my ass up to seattle today to come to your party. THAT, AND i didn't really get invited to it anyways. Shwee told me about it and sent me a website where info was posted, i didn't go though, i was writing a paper at the time. That's yet another reason that i didn't go today. I went to a study session for the two tests that i have this week. I also have a major paper due, this week will suck my ass.

At any rate, congratulations Bobanna! It's a MAJOR deal to graduate from college, people told me that, but I only know now how much that's really true. I hope everything works out well with your new place, and that you never lose touch with any of us! You know us, we're the type of people who will always be there for you, i'm talking of course about all your friends who read this post. You can count on us for all the little things in life that matter most. And all the big things too, don't forget us for those! Anyways, I hope you had a great graduation and a great party and that you have a great time now that you're out of school!

So, that's leads me to today, like i said i did a study session and now i'm home. Today has been pretty mellow. It's been a mellow weekend and that's good. I wish i could have come up to the emerald city, but i think i needed to stay here for at least one weekend.

Oh, speaking of weekends off. The 30th is my LAST DAY OF CLASS! Then i have school off unitl the 7th of july or something!! My parents are talking about leaving town again this 4th of july weekend, SO...I'm thinking of throwing a MAJOR throw-down here, unless someone has better plans. I have a lot of room and big backyard with an outdoor stereo system and a hd tv with satellite cable. SO, come chill here or let me know what's going on up there that's so much better. OH, and we live near an indian reservation, so we buy the BIG fireworks from the stands they put up.

Well, all of us have been bad about writing on our posts, so i won't get too pissy. BUT, bobanna and Shwee are the biggest slackers of all. Bobanna might be in the process of moving, so i guess i understand, and Shwee has to go downstairs to use the computers down there so i understand that that sucks, but damn. The 8th was the last day for posts from either of you! Let's pick it up!

I might have to go on strike until i hear from all the rest of you!

anyways, take care all...

Me love you long time...


Thursday, June 10, 2004

please could you stop the noise, i'm trying to get some rest...

ok, so just when i thought i was kicking the funk, here comes some more. I took a test today and i really don't know how i did. I hate that. I don't know if i even answered any of the questions right at all. it was one of those abstract thought type of test...tests that i'm just not good at. I had a bad meeting with my field supervisor and cooperative teacher, it was constructive, but it still made me feel bad. I'm sure i'll bounce right back, i just feel like crap right now...

And, on top of all that, Ray Charles died! WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS WEEK!? Ray Charles! "tell your momma. tell your pa. i'm gonna send you back to arkansas..." The man did the best version of 'america the beautiful' ever, period. He was a fucking genius. SO, reagan, and now ray charles. who's gonna die next? damn. i don't know how much more of this shit i can handle. and next week looks like it'll be more busy for me than this week! FUCK!!!

i'm starting to get done with talk radio. i've been listening and i tell you what... it's starting to interest me less and less. i think it's just the fact that the shows that i used to love are still the same. bj shea is still doing interesting stuff, but lykis hasn't done anything that's interested me in a while. maybe i'm just losing my edge, but that's just how i feel. sorry HEW, i know i'm speaking blasphemy(blasforyou), but i can't help it. tom keeps recycling his ideas. They are funny, but i've heard it too much. let's move on tom...

so, shwee and bobanna...what's with the non-posting-ness? Yeah, bobanna, it nice that you give us the little "ahem" when we haven't written for a while, but you are a culprit to now. I have no sympathy, you're done with school now right?

AND, NOBODY responded to my last email about coming down to oly...i see how it is...

anyways, i'm frustrated, lame, blue, hungry, sleepy, complacent, somewhat bitchy, and a snappy dresser...

so, i'm out for tonight...shwee where have you been? you haven't been on to chat recently...or maybe i just go to bed too early.
-bobanna, why aren't you on aol im? you too HEW?

k, i'm gonna go hang myself in the toilet(that's just a saying, nothing to do with death)...


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

raise your glass...just once, for Dutch...

I mean, come on, he was "the gipper". I realize that he might not have been the greatest president in us history, but the 80's could have been worse. He gave us some good humor from snl and he was actually a really good public speaker. HEW, don't get so mad at all the bad things that happened when he was in office. Reagan didn't train bin ladin himself did he? no, i should say not. and NO ONE knew that things would turn out so badly with him. ALSO, the president can only do so much when it comes to the budget, the congress was the deciding factor in our huge increase in debt. Dutch was a part of our youth and for that i'll acknowledge him positively, cause i had a happy childhood. So he might have done some dumb things...every fucking president EVER did some stupid things, lets not get too critical. He wasn't a genius like our current president, but he was good enough to get America through a very weird time...
he's dead now...let's move on...

Ok, so tomorrow i'm supposed to have a meeting with my cooperative teacher and my field advisor to do an assessment of my performance in the classroom these last 4 weeks. WELL, my cooperative teacher hasn't been in school these last two days and i tried calling her tonight to tell her that the meeting was tomorrow and that i needed to confirm with her or call my supervisor back and reschedule. I ending up leaving my # with her daughter who said she'd call me later...well, later must have never came. SO, i hope that everything works out tomorrow, i'll feel really dumb if i go to my meeting tomorrow without my teacher, i'll look really bad not having given my field advisor a heads up about that. FUCK. people, return your calls! SHIT. the bad thing is, i really like my cooperative teacher, she's cool. I considered doing my student teaching with her. who knows though...

These next few weeks will be a endurance test for me that's for sure. I have a major paper due almost every other day for two fucking weeks. If not a paper, then a final or something equally bad. that sucks my ass.

k, despite my interesting night with my cohort people last friday, i'm working on organizing another drinking night on this coming friday. I invite all of my seattlite friends to come down and participate, you're welcome to come and crash with me after the night of debauchery. the oly nightlife is very interesting and everything is within walking distance of everything else, it's a lot like bellingham in that respect. so, come on down you mother fuckers! i'm always dragging my broken ass and car up there to spend time with you, lets reverse the situation for a while. damn, that's fucking right. I know i love seattle, but it sucks that i'm always driving up there! COME SEE MY ASS HERE! how many of you have actually been to olympia to see me? so far...1, and i went and got you! i'm thinking about going on strike!

hmm...i do love seattle though...

bobanna why is your shit going on THIS weekend!!?? I have so much going on! god this sucks! I'm bad at spreading out my time. Shwee told me that i should just study all weekend and then come up after that, but my father leaves monday night and i have to celebrate fathers day with him and my whole fucking family. graduation like this only comes along once though...fuck all...this sucks


I'll just have to get back to you guys when i know what the fuck is going on in my life...

see you in a month or two...


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Talk radio...

it's a wonderful thing...hell i've wanted to be in talk radio for some time. I liked the idea so much that i worked at two different college radio stations, just so i could work on an act. I was getting good by the end too. I think my problem is that i don't get all that pissed off when i'm on the air. HEW can stand by me when i say that i do rant. Usually i only do that when very few people can hear me. HEW now has the market cornered. If you have hatred in you heart let it out...

i've had a very in-between day. Unfortunately i think i made shwee start to feel my depression, sorry shwee you should never have to be sad. somehow i've wandered into a blue funk that i can't shake. yeah, missing jen doesn't help that much, bug leaving doesn't help that much, my family planning the father's day celebration THIS sunday doesn't help that much as i'd like to be there for bobanna on her grad celebration day. i'm just not in the best of moods. the kids at school were great today, they are consistently the highpoint of my days. so, that's good, at least i'm happy witht he career i'm going into. i'm not altogether loving my actual classes though, school is hard. i've been writing lesson plans all night, but i'm done now and wonderful sleep awaits.

lets see, no words of wisdom, no humorous thoughts, no random rants to go off on, i'm just sitting here in this shitty funk...nothing to say or impart. i hope you all had a great day, a day that makes you feel good about being alive. those days are awesome and we all need to have them more often, and we need to recognize them when they arrive. what the fuck am i talking about? i don't even know anymore...i'm lame, sorry.

well enough trying to milk something good out of this post. i'm off. take care everyone, sleep tight...



Monday, June 07, 2004

SHIT! the music for that last post was no doubt "it's my life"

Trapped in Seattle...

There are worse places to be. After getting very little sleep, due to the fact that i can't sleep past like, 8am, I called the service station to check on the status of my car. Those fuckers didn't call my ass to tell me what the diagnosis was. Anyways, at 10am they were just doing the test then. motherfuckers. so, i sit around HEW's house for the majority of the day. We went and got lunch a Elmers near the alderwood mall. we are sadly becoming regulars there, but at least we get the same waitress each time...she takes good care of us.

Well, at around 8pm or so HEW drops my ass off at Bugs place and I hang with her, as she's closer to the place that's "working" on my car. Which by the way, they finally got to me about...yeah, fuel pump, it needs a brand fucking new one, another shitload of money gone. So, anyways, I help Bug out by loading her car with her boxed up shit and, Jen she packs a lot like you, really fucking heavy boxes. She helped me with the worst of them, so it wasn't that bad. I hung out with Bug while she studied, and really didn't get much done.

Then i got the call around 10pm that my car was ready. Bug, drove my ass to my car, i told her to be safe on her trip and then i drove mine and the dog's asses down to oly.

So, that leaves me here. In front of this computer on monday relaying all of this in a few installments to kind of space all of this weird weekend out and you all can see that i'm living a very strange life right now. I haven't been able to get ahold of Jen for like 3 days cause her phone sucks and we never seem to get the times right, i miss her so much...

That was my weekend...a little more involved than a lot of the others recently, and i think they are only going to get worse as i progress into this year... At least i'm having a good time.

What did i learn from this weekend? Well, drinking can help from time to time, but sometimes 4 drinks will lead to an ambulance ride. People in my cohort are cool, we just need to steer clear of the alcohol poisoning. My car fucking sucks ass. My friends don't, in fact everybody came up pretty huge this weekend, turning it from a big inconvenience to a really good time. I also learned that i can't draw for shit, i'll never hang anything up at beth's...oh well...

So, bobanna, i know i'm usually the one who gives shit about nobody writing, you caught me on the last here's a shitload of stuff to read. I hope it entertains...that's what i'm here for after all...

Take care all...

till next time,


oh, the music for that last post should be the yeah, yeah, yeah's "maps"

In life you learn to take the good with the bad...

...then you learn to take the bad with a little gin...

So, after my really weird friday night, I woke up with absolutely no agenda at all. It was a good thing. I figured that i would get a lot of my homework done over the weekend, get ahead in my studies, it was going to be great. Then, i get a call from Bug, she's leaving to go to Rome in a few days. So, i feel guilty about not seeing her before she leaves. So, i bring the dog and jump into the car and head on off to seattle to visit, JUST FOR A FEW HOURS.

I drive my ass all the way up there, sit through horrible traffic, and finally make it to the house. I get Bug, we get in the car to go meet "the bell". Ok, so...the car won't start. fuck. not again. try over and starts. then dies again. (thanks Bug.) I meet the Strawberry blonde Josh and Bug and he go off and get some food while my ass waits guessed it...AAA. I take my car in to a Chervron station to see if i can get it fixed (possible fuel pump problem). They say...well we'll definitely do a diagnostic on it today, but it won't get worked on until tomorrow. shit again. what choice to i have? i leave my car there, walk my ass back to the house and meet up with bug again. to kill time bug, one of the sisters and i all go see the new harry potter, excellent by the way, Gary Oldman kicks ass.

Bug invites me out to drink with a young-un who was hitting the 21 wall that night. no problem, HEW comes out with us and we grab bobanna and she drives our asses down to dantes'. Yay drinking! My problems from friday night and earlier that day melted away with good conversation, good beer, and good music. I was so happy that my selections went over well. i still stand by my janis joplin! Eventually bobanna ditched to meet the bf and we decided to bounce over to Earls...ah, earls...remember the time Jen? 22 years old... Goodtimes...

So, we arrive there and find that Shwee and her friend "Scout" had diverted to the dutchess to meet up with bobanna. ok, so i'm glad that at least shwee had the sense to get out of that situation, cause i wouldn't replace saturday night for anything! Once shwee and scout arrived, the laughter just grew and grew... anyways, we drank for a little while and then...guess who ditched next? That's right kids...Bug, the Strawberry-blonde, and another Ash from the house all took off and left me, HEW, Shwee and Scout at earls. No problem, we finished out beer and headed off to Beth's for some food.

More bonding, we all laughed out nuts off and the day that started out as a strange morning after, that then turned to a shitty afternoon, turned into a great night where i met a bunch of nice people and had a great fuckin' time! The ditching sucked, but the dancing queen got to shake it a little, and Bug...well she probably had a good night...

I raise my glass to Shwee and Scout, they really helped make the night what it was, hard to define, but really great none the less...

the rest of ya'll bitches were cool too...

Welcome to Arby's Scout...


Once upon a friday night...

I was in high spirits on friday. Class was fun, both teaching and learning. So, i thought i'd try to get my peers in my cohort to bond and i sent out the invitation for anyone who wanted to to come out and drink with some of the olympia people that night. It was a fine moment for me, i was taking on the roll of the unifier, the day was going well and at least five people said they would "try" to make it. That meant that about three of us would actually show.

So, we plan to meet at this bar called "the brotherhood", a cool bar in downtown Oly. We all leave class and agree that we'll meet there as soon as we can go home and change and get back. I make a side trip to the bank, then safeway. OK. SO, on the way out of safeway (not "the safe". "THE SAFE" is Safeco field. Bug, don't confuse the locals.) i'm pulling out and on the main road back to my place when my FUCKING CAR BREAKS DOWN A-FUCKING-GAIN! So, i'm all pissed off. I call AAA, my phone dies. FUCK. I'm sweating, cause it's hot outside and I'm all mad and i've pulled into the middle of the road cause i couldn't make it over to the shoulder...god damn it.

Miracle of miracles, my car eventually just starts again and gets me home. Of course i'm shouting at the top of my lungs at my car, it's been in and out of the shop for like 3 months, i'm a little done with it. Any-fucking-ways, i get home change and head my ass back to downtown oly.

I arrive at the brotherhood and my spirits immediately lift again. There were five people waiting for me there. two others from my cohort, and one of their husbands and some Delta Upsilon guy, that's just how i remember him, he was in the greek system. They all yelled and were so excited to see me, it was like coming into my first grade class actually. nice i start the drinking.

The talk was great, i met some nice guys and bonded with my cohortians. Things were going great...until i get up to go to the bathroom...

SO, I was talking to (hmm, protect the name...) ok, "greener", that'll be her name. Greener and I were discussing religion and stuff...she was drunk, but obviously not far gone by any means, she only had four drinks all night. Anyways, i get up to go to the bathroom and literally it only took that long for things to go all wrong. When i come out her husband is helping she stumbles out the door of the bar. OK, WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM? The other cohortian and Ran(just another protected name) came up and paid their bills and we walk out of the bar to follow only to find Greener lying on the pavement of the parking lot being slapped awake! HOLY SHIT! We came and tried to help, but her husband was on the make a long story, ONE COP CAR, TWO (2) AMBULANCES, AND A FUCKING FIRE TRUCK LATER, Greener is taken off to have some charcoal pumped into her...the cop assured us that she would be fine. Ran stayed with us as we went to grab something to eat, Ran was Greeners' ride. So, we ate, got a couple more drinks and wondered what the fuck that was all about. Greener should not have had that kind of reaction, it didn't add up. Plus we go to class with this person! IT was just such an odd night. We met up with another cohortian later and met his friend, then called it a night.

So, needless to say I had an odd night. I stopped and got some microwave pizza at safeway and headed home.

...and that was just FRIDAY! More installments to come...

Current music: The New Amsterdams "hover near fame" (listen to all the music i'm listening too while you read this, this was the soundtrack to my weekend...)

Till next time,


Tuesday, June 01, 2004


I know have no right to be bored. But, i am. I have a test tomorrow, but my brain is rejecting all the stuff that's been crammed into it these last few weeks. I hope that it all comes out well in the end. Hard telling though.

Ok, i didn't want to do it...but now i have to complain. SOME of you a-holes aren't keeping up on your journals. You know who you are. Shwee is in the clear cause she wrote one tonight that would rival HEW's posts in overall length and girth. And girth matters, from what i hear. SO, get your shit in gear you guys...sickness is not an acceptable excuse, you can type while your sick! And HEW!? Where the hell have your posts gone!? Ok, i'm done with that subject.

Holy shit! the rick james skit is on the chapelles' show tonight! This is some of dave's funniest shit! Wow. Ok, it's over...BUG, I finally get it now...i'm sad i was out of the loop for so long. No wonder that show is the highest rated show on comedy channel right now.

Well, not much else is going on with me right now. I'm heading off to bed, it's only 9:30 and i'm thinking about sleep already. I'm gonna be a lame old asshole someday, going to bed at this time. I have proven that i can stay up till 4am though, so it's not like i've given in to old age just yet. hell, i'm gonna stay at 18 till i'm 70, or until my wang goes out, but thanks to never has to!

Gotta love the times we live in...

Talk to ya'll bitches later...

P.S. PPPRRrrrrrrrr!